Helping Hand

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Dear Wanda and Pietro,

Four months left until I go to Sokovia. I can't wait. Living with Steve isn't so bad. The hard part for him is living without his friends and family. Everything has changed for him. He is downstairs all night punching to relieve stress but he comes back tenser. I think it gives him flashbacks from the war. Other than a few mishaps with the microwave and stove, he has manages to master the art of cooking frozen meals. I think I might teach him how to cook other things soon.

I haven't heard from Clint since I moved in. I think I might call him soon but I don't want to interrupt any mission he's on and get him hurt or worse. I can't even remember what you look like anymore. Every time I think of you, your face gets blurrier. I hope you're alright.


I close my book as Steve walks into the living room. "Hey, Anastasia. I'm gonna head down to the gym. Good night."

"Steve, wait," he stops and sits down when I gesture towards the chair. "It seems like you only go down there to relieve stress but then you come back up tenser than when you go down. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replies, almost too quickly.

"You know, it will get better. I can kind of relate to how you feel. Being thrown into a new world without any say." He looks at me strangely. "When I was seven, my house was hit with a bomb. I saw my mother die in front of me. When they finally got to me and put the fire out. I was weak from smoke and heat. I was unconscious for a few days. A family adopted me and I was brought here to America before I woke up. I never got to say goodbye to my parents before they died and I don't even know if my friends are still alive. They lived in the same building. I had to learn a new language and way to act."

"How did you even do it?" Steve asks. "I wake up every day and think that my best friend is going to run in and wake me up. Then I remember."

"I had a friend to help me. One of the boys from the family that adopted me helped me through it and kept me safe. That's why I am with S.H.I.E.L.D. today. The day I got out of the hospital, he gave me a journal. I know you've seen it. Every day, I write to my friends back in Sokovia, where I am from. I know they'll probably never read them but it helps to write out my thought and feelings. There are people you can talk to for stress who have been in wars too. Like a support group. I want you to know that if you need someone to talk to, there are people and that I am here for you, too."

Tears well in his eyes. "Thank you." I smile and give him a hug.

"Try to find another way to relieve your stress like drawing or writing. I find it helps a lot more than punching. Don't mistake this for giving up punching just maybe do it less."

He nods. "Yeah, I think that would be best. I felt all alone. Like no one understands what I am going through. I didn't know our pasts were so similar."

"Have fun down there. Think about my suggestions."

"I will. You get some sleep." With that, he leave me to my thoughts. I change into pajamas and one of Clint's big sweatshirts and curl up under the covers.

I'm awoken by a scream and a crash. I jolt out of bed and scream. Steve runs in, still sweaty from the gym. He turns on the light and I see Clint squirming on the floor, tied up in ropes. "Who are you?" Steve asks, holding Clint down.

"I should be asking you that. You're the one in an apartment, alone, with my sister."

Steve looks at me questioningly. "Do you know him?"

I take a few breaths to calm myself. "Yeah, that's Clint. What are you doing here? There is a front door and a phone."

"Is it so wrong to visit my sister?"

I turn to my clock and it reads two am. "Yes, it is wrong to visit your sister at two o'clock in the morning. And you snuck in through the window."

Clint tries to get up but just falls back down. "Why do you have the window booby trapped?"

"I call it the Clint-catcher. I knew you like to surprise me. You like it?" I laugh.

He stares at me. "Do I look like I like it?"

Steve coughs and I look at him. "Oh, right. Clint this is Steve or Captain America. Steve this is my older brother Clint. If you've noticed the traps on the windows and air ducts, now you know who I set them for."

"I'd shake your hand but I'm kind of tied up right now. You put this on all windows and air ducts?" he asks me.

I reach into my side table drawer and pull out a knife. "Yes, I did. Didn't want any birds sneaking up on me." I walk over to him with the knife and he backs away a bit.

"What are you going to do?" he asks.

I chuckle. "Stop being such a chicken, I'm gonna cut the ropes around you. Hold still." I get through them in a few minutes. "There. You two can get to know each other while I get drinks for us."

I leave the room and eavesdrop on their conversation. "Why did she call you a bird?"

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