Loki's Attack

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Dear Wanda and Pietro,

I am almost fourteen now. I am losing hope of ever seeing you again. The pictures I got when I visited Sokovia didn't include you two so I still can't remember what you looked like. Clint is away guarding the Tesseract while S.H.I.E.L.D. experiments on it to find a clean source of energy and to make it into a weapon.

Last night, someone attacked the base and took over Clint's mind. Fury plans on discreetly shipping me off to help Laura take care of her and Clint's two little children. One of them is two and the other was just born. I am to protect them and help out until Clint is back.


I sit in the lab with Mr. Banner as Loki is lead through the halls. "Is that the bad guy?" I ask.

"Yeah, pipsqueak. That's Loki," Tony tells me. Tears start to come to my eyes. "Hey, don't worry, we'll get him back. I'll call you as soon as we do, alright? You better go. Fury's expecting you."

I nod and walk down the halls to the front of the Hellicarrier. I meet Thor before Fury sees me and calls for Natasha. She takes me to a ship and we start to fly to Clint's house. When she lands, we both walk out to see Laura at the door.

"Hey, Anastasia, where's Clint?" she asks.

"His mind is being controlled by someone. Don't worry. He'll be fine."

Laura nods and leads me inside. I start to play with Lila before I start to nod off and so does she. I take her upstairs and put her in her crib before crawling into my bead, not even caring that I am still in my normal clothes.

The next morning, I get a call from Tony by lunch saying that they have Clint back but I have to stay there and stay safe. I tell Laura as Tony passes the phone to Clint.

"Hey there, Anna. How are you?" Clint asks.

"Much better now that I know that you're alright. Please don't do that again."

"You have no need to worry. I never want to. My brain feels all scrambled right now. So, how are my kids?"

"They seem fine. I can put them on if you'd like," I say.

"Maybe just Cooper."

I smile and put Cooper in my lap. "Daddy?" The talk for a while as I rock Cooper in my lap. Eventually, he hands me back the phone.

"That was an interesting discussion. I have to go soon. You'll be able to watch me on TV. Pretty much ever news station will be watching."

"Why is that? What are you going to do?"

"We have to take down the Chitauri army that Loki put together. Don't worry, I'll be perfectly fine. If not you can baby me into the next century."

"I'll hold you to that. But please, be careful," I say, being sincere. Laura walks in and sits next to me. "Here, Laura's next to me, I'll pass you over and you can explain it to her."

I hear him gulp as I hand her the phone. They talk while I set up a TV where Cooper and Lila can't see it. Laura comes in as a S.H.I.E.L.D. ship comes into view. We watch as the battle progresses with the Avengers taking down as many Chitauri as they can. At times, it looks like they won't succeed but by the end, they pull through. They are all safe and Tony survives the trip to outer space.

The next day, Clint comes home with Nat and we all talk about what happened over dinner. Clint tucks me in before joining Laura in their room.

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