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Natasha flies us back to the base as Clint tries to makes sure I'm alright. By the time we made it to the ship, I was almost unconscious with the effort. Clint put me on an examination table and checks for any life threatening injuries. When he doesn't find anything, he pulls a blanket over me and gives me some headache medicine. As soon as we are at Stark tower, he takes me to Bruce and Tony. Clint and Natasha wait outside and Steve comes up a little later, worried. As Tony and Bruce examine me, I start to feel really tired. I try to stay awake but nothing is working. I remember Tony pointing it out and they call Natasha in. They leave as Natasha helps me into pajamas. When they come back in, Clint puts a pillow under my head and a blanket over my shivering form. I smile as darkness envelops me.

The next morning, Steve is sitting by the bed as I wake up. He calls the others and they come in. "Hey there, Anna. How are you feeling?" Bruce asks.

"Better than yesterday. Frying my brain was definitely not fun," I tell them. They laugh until they realize I'm serious.

"Did you try and use the discs?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. They seemed to work but got overloaded by too many people. They started smoking and hurting a lot. I'm lucky they came off so easily."

"Well we know what to work on," Tony smirks.

Bruce walks up and basically pushes Tony out of the way. "Your blood work came back a little strange."

"They used me as an experiment and gave me powers," I say sheepishly. "I don't know what they are and neither do they. I've never tried to use them."

"Want to try and figure them out?" Clint asks. I nod and we all go to the training facility. I walk in while they stand behind the glass.

"I have a pretty good idea of what my powers are. Let's see if I'm right about this." I grab a water bottle and uncap it, throwing the water into the air. It keeps its position as I walk around it. I hold my hand up and start to make shapes out of it, freezing it and changing it back. I send it out in spikes around the room. I close my eyes and start to talk to the others with my mind. I freak them out at first but they get used to it.

"Hey, Clint. Can you come in here please? I want to try something." He agrees skeptically and meets me in the center of the facility. "I'm going to apologize in advance. I think this will show you your worst fear. I'd like to try my mind powers on you."

"Alright. Can I sit down for this?" I nod and he pulls up a chair. Once he's ready, I send wisps of blue energy towards his mind. His eyes go blank and he starts to sweat. I look into his mind and see what he sees. It's his family being hurt by those wanting to hurt him. I quickly pull him out of it and he calms down. After he relaxes for a bit, we go back to practicing. I manage to control Clint by words and thought.

Next, Steve comes down and I hand him a small knife. He makes a small incision of his palm. I touch his arm and the cut heals quickly. We all smile at the great gift this will be.

I pull my arms back before stretching them forward, arching my back. Wings sprout from my back and I give them a few experimental flaps. After a few minutes of hovering above the ground, I start to soar around the room, stopping for a second before the window. I start going faster and faster until all I am is a blur. I land on the ground and hide my wings. I run around the room until I am a blur as I run as well.

When I stop, I suddenly feel really dizzy. I fall to my knees as the others rush in. Clint picks me up and they take me back to the bed from the lab. I get back in pajamas with Clint's help and lay on the bed. I bring out my wings when Tony asks and it makes me feel even worse. They take a blood sample and take a few feathers from my wings before I fall asleep.

When I wake up, Clint is playing with my hair. I sit up and flap my wings a few times before getting out of bed. Tony and Bruce determined that using my powers leaves strain on my body, making me feel tired.

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