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They stare at me. "You are lying. Anya died in the bombings. We couldn't find her afterward. Do not mock her memory!"

"Read my memories. You'll find I'm not lying." She looks at me surprised. "Yeah, I figured out what you can do."

Wanda stares at me for a few minutes before tears come to her eyes. She looks at Pietro and nods. "Show him," she tells me. I pull the necklace out from under my shirt, holding it up. Wanda tackles me in a hug, tears streaming down her face. I hug her back, just as fierce. "We thought you were dead. We never saw you again after the bombings."

"I thought the same thing. I'm sorry I never saw you after that. I wanted to see you both so badly." Tears stream faster down my cheeks.

"It doesn't matter anymore. We're together again and they can't separate us. No matter what."

I shake my head. "I'm sorry. I have to get back. My brother is probably worried and looking for me."

"You don't have a brother. You were an only child," Pietro says. His voice is shaky at best. I go over to the bars and he tries to hug me no matter how awkward.

"Maybe I should tell you about my life since the bombs." I sit back down on the bed and Wanda wraps her arms around me. "I sat there for hours in the fire after the bombs hit. My mom had run in and told me to get under the bed. The ceiling above us collapsed and crushed her. I was left looking at her for those hours. They eventually got me out and brought me to a hospital. I woke up a few days later in America. Someone had adopted me already. I lived there for a few months before their home was attacked and the two boys and I ran off. We actually ended up joining the circus for a year before one of the boys and I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to be safe. They tested me to see what level I should be in at school. I ended up graduating college when I was twelve and working with Tony before that. Eventually, my brother started a family and I later made friends with the Black Widow and Captain America. That's when he brought me back to Sokovia to visit. It was around my birthday. I showed him around for a bit and went by a friend of my dad's. They had sent her all of the things that survived from my house. I got a few pictures and jewelry and found out I had a trust fund that has a few million dollars in it for when I am eighteen. We came home and years passed. New York was invaded by aliens and the Avengers were formed. Clean up had just finished up when I was kidnapped by these people."

Wanda and Pietro looked at me, shocked. "All this time, we thought you were dead. No one would tell us anything about you. We joined these people to avenge our parents and your deaths."

"You've already completed college?" Pietro asks.

"Yeah. That's what happens when you have an IQ over 200." The door opens and a man comes in with a rainbow of colors sprayed onto his face. I stand up and walk to the door. "I see you found my phone. How'd getting into it go?"

The twins seem surprised by my act. He opens the door and grabs my hair. I show no reaction. "You will help us one way or another."

"As I said before, I will gladly kill myself before I help you." I bite his hand and flip him over my shoulder. Before he gets up, I twist his arm behind his back and fold him over. "I'll say it once. Let me go."

More men come running in and I feel a couple darts hit my neck and arms. I stumble before falling to the floor. I see the guards help the man out of the cell and close the door before everything goes dark.

When I wake up, there is a towel on my forehead and a blanket up to my chin. I slowly open my eyes and see Wanda next to me petting my hair. She smiles when she sees me. "She's awake!"

I hear Pietro run over to the side of the bed. He looks at me through the bars. "Hey, Anya. How do you feel?"

"Tired," I yawn. I can't think straight. My eyes flutter but I try to keep the open.

"Look at me, Anya. You need to stay awake and eat something. You've been out for a day." Wanda holds a spoon to my mouth and I slowly drink the soup. Eventually, I can't stay awake anymore and fall asleep.

The next time I wake up, I don't feel as tired. Wanda is asleep on the other bed while Pietro sits as close as possible through the bars. "Hey," he says. "You're awake. Feeling better?"

"I guess. What happened?" I try and sit up but Pietro holds me down.

"Don't get up yet. You were hit with a seven tranquilizer darts. You've been out for two days. Wanda, wake up!" Pietro calls.

Wanda jolts up, "What? What's going on?"

"She's awake," Pietro tells her. Wanda comes and sits down next to me.

"Feeling better?"

"Less tired, that's for sure." She helps me sit up. I feel really stiff. I get out of bed and stretch a bit before climbing up and hanging from the ceiling. I start doing sit ups with my legs wrapped around the bars at the top of the cage. They both stare at me like I'm crazy.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Pietro asks.

"How do you even get up there so easily?"

"What can I say? It's fun. I told you I used to be in the circus. I was an acrobat and tightrope walker for about a year. When my brother comes to get me out of here, he will be disappointed if I let myself go."

"Anya, you should rest. You were just shot with darts," Pietro insists.

"I need to train to get stronger to get out of this tiny little room," I tell him. I flip down from the ceiling and start doing flips off the wall.

"Anya, please. Just rest a little," Wanda tries to grab my arms and I stop.

"I have to do this. I need to get out of here. I can't stand being trapped. It reminds me of that day when I was trapped in my room," I tell her.

"Please, Anya. If not for yourself then for us. You are going to hurt yourself," Pietro tries. "Please."

I sigh and sit on the bed. "Fine, but only because you're worried." I lie down on the bed and Wanda tucks me in. I slowly fall asleep as Pietro pets my hair.

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