ah yes, the start of every isekai

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"Shit- Shit- shit----" 

you squealed as you ran up and down your apartment, grabbing your things for work. 

"why did I have to stay up all night playing genshin?!?!" 

You screamed to yourself. once you felt satisfied with what was in your purse you ran a hand through your hair:

"why do I feel like I'm missing something?"

your eyes made their way to the mirror and you finally realized what you were missing, your tie. 

you felt another curse about to bubble up. 

taking a deep breath, you turned yourself away from the mirror, grabbed your purse, and made your way out the door.

You then proceeded to run to your car, throwing your purse into the passenger seat, once again cursing your lack of time management. 

'when you think about it, it's not that bad, I was just finishing my commissions, and finding all the oculi, and finishing up the sumeru quests, and grinding for ayaka since I have been meaning to do it...'

you thought to yourself as you attempted to start your car, only for it to almost start and then not... 


(A/n) it is said that everyone in the apartment complex heard a loud curse that day, people still remember it

mini timeskip:

"just two more blocks"

"just two more blocks"

"just two more FUCKING blocks"

at this point you pause, almost contemplating life.

a few people walk past you, one of them is a child. The kid turns to look at you and says, "mommy, why is that person look so mad?" 

the mother looked mortified, she looks to her kid, and whispers to her kid. "sweetheart, lets ignore her okay, she's probably homeless" whilst giving you a slight glare.

normally, you wouldnt have minded the lady's attitude, but today was not the day, you gave her a smile, placed a hand on her shoulder before leaning into her and whispering in her ear 

"Listen bitch, I have had a very bad day, okay!" you paused allowing her to understand that she just messed with the wrong person. "so you'd better watch your goddam mouth, okay?" you finished, your tone darkening with each word, making you appear far more threatening.

the lady gives you a look. "-" . you cut her off before she can argue, "okay?"

she just nods.

feeling pleased with her reaction, you resume the walk to your work. 

Everything happened so fast. One moment you were walking down the sidewalk to your job, the next there was a car that swerved from the other side of the road, tipping over the median, coming flying towards you. in a state of shock your body and mind were no longer communicating properly. Time seemed to slow as you tried to urge your legs to move, but they would not cooperate.  the next thing you could recall was that you were laying on the ground, a pool of crimson surrounding you. 

'how did this even-'

you can barely tell what's happening, you think you hear voices, but you're not sure.

As your vision begins to blur you think you see some figures, but when you try to focus you eyes onto the figures, your field of vision turns to black, and the ringing in your ears finally ceases.

A/n: oh shit, we're dead... oh well

and dont worry loverboy comes soon

"Aha no" K. Ayato x readerWhere stories live. Discover now