Words cannot describe the absolute fuckery I just went through

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Keep in mind I like to write on my own time, so I appreciate your patience!

Now on with the story:

For the second fucking time this week, I ran. 

"Why the fuck do I have such bad luck?!" I said to myself as I ran, mentally thanking myself for finding all of the elemental oculi, which increased my stamina, which is why i can run so much (something I could not do in my past life).

I suddenly stopped running, recounting what I did with Ayato just minutes ago, my face suddenly felt extremely warm. 

"why'd i have to kiss him?" I asked myself quietly, "ARGH, WHY WAS THE ONLY THING THAT CAME TO MIND WHEN I WAS TRYING TO SHUT HIM UP TO KISS HIM, STUPID BRAIN AHHHHH!" I screamed at myself. 

I took a deep breath, where can I go, I can't go back to the teapot, and I can't stay in the city, because of ayato's connections. 

All of the sudden I had an idea, I dont know anyone here but I do know that Yae Miko doesnt like me for some reason, so I somehow decided that she was my best bet.

And with that I changed my course, my new destination: the grand Narukami shrine. 

Time skip:

"You know, I was quite surprised when I had a shrine maiden come to me saying you had ran all the way here, but I'm even more surprised seeing you here." Yae Miko said to me, her  condescending tone apparent.

'I wonder what I did in the past to piss her off', I thought to myself.

I lowered myself down, showing her some respect for what I was about to ask. I didnt see it myself but her eyes widened as I did so.

"I'm going to be straight with you." I started not daring to meet her eyes, "I am not who you think I am..." I paused, thinking of how I was going to go about explaining the rest of this. 

"what exactly do you mean by that?" Yae miko asked, the condescending tone now gone, and replaced with a more curious one. 

"I got reincarnated into this person's body..." I said slowly, realizing how dumb it sounds when I say it out loud. "I know you may not believe me, but its-" 

"-Why wouldn't I believe you?" She asked, causing me to look up at her, "You are clearly a very different person than you were before, that much is apparent, even a hilichurl could see it." 

"How did you-"

She once again cut me off, "Your aura" 

I let out an audible 'huh', and allowed her to explain what she meant. 

"Your aura is different that it was, I first noticed it the last time you came here, but now that we are so close it is very apparent that you are a completely different person inhabiting this body." she paused, allowing me a few seconds to understand what she was saying before she continued, "That and the fact that your personality changed, completely."

"So that was it." I said softly under my breath, 'I never bothered thinking about how the previous owner of this body had acted.'

"So what exactly do you want from me?" the fox hybrid asked, her focus centered on me.

"So, uh, long story short, when I got reincarnated I was getting married to ayat- sorry  the commissioner." I said, correcting myself so that she didn't get the wrong idea about me and Ayato, "And I said... no, and renounced my family name and yada-yada." I said, watching her eyes shine as she filled in the gaps of what she knew, now getting the fuller picture, "But you already know all of that, Okay so this morning I somehow found myself in the Kamisato residence, and when I attempted to escape I was caught by ayato, and...." I said, intentionally leaving out the details about my teapot (since that was a whole new explanation, that I didnt feel like explaining to her). "and, um..." I tried to continue, but found it hard to when I recalled exactly what happened this morning. 

There was a few moments of silence before I finally told her exactly what had happened, "He asked me to marry him, and when I told him that I didn't know him well enou-"

"He said that you were lying because of the amount of meetings that your family had had, right?" Yae Miko asked, quite literally taking the words out of my mouth. "If that was all that he did a no should be fine and he would probably drop it, but seeing as you're here, something else happened didn't it?" she asked, 

I confirmed her suspicions with a nod, my face heating up for the nth time that day. "Yea... um, in my state of shock, I wanted to get him to ahem ... how do you say this nicely... shut up." I said pausing and cringing at how I said it, ignoring how Yae Miko let out a small laugh. "and I... kissed him..."

at this point Yae Miko was doubled over, and she was laughing hysterically, clearly finding the entire situation amusing.  

"You may stay here for as long as you need, my only condition is that you must work as a shrine maiden during your stay, and you really ought to learn how to use that" She finally said, after she regained her composure, directing the last part to my vision.

"Of course!" I said, "When do I start?"

Ayato's pov:

As one of the members of the Shuumatsuban finally returned I let out a barely audible sigh of relief. 

"Master Ayato, she is quite quick, it was hard to believe that she was once a noble of her stature." The agent started, "The way she moved, it was even hard for me to keep up."  

"Huh, so she's a quick one is she?" I whispered, Leaving some of my thoughts unsaid, 'I knew her before the wedding, although we only met a few times is it really possible for someone to change so much?' I wondered silently to myself. 'who exactly is she, or rather who has she became.' 

"Is there anything else of note that you feel the need to mention?" I asked, returning my attention back to the masked male before me. 

He looked deep in thought, before shaking his head. 

"Oh? you had to think for quite a while, are you sure there is nothing you wish to share with me?" I asked, allowing my voice to drop an octave, seeming more threatening. 

"I- I dont think it's something you want to know." He said softly, daring to look up to me, seeing that I wasn't going to let him leave until he shared the details he finally relented sighing before he opened his mouth once more. "uh...." He paused, causing me to internally sweat drop, 'Was it really that bad?' I wondered silently to myself, waiting for him to continue. 

"Uh, she said..." He paused once more, "thattheonlyreasonshekissedyouwastoshutyouup..." He said quickly clearly wanting to get it over with. 

"huh" was all that could leave my mouth, "Really, she said that, huh, and to me it seemed like she was enjoying it." I said softly, recounting the softness of her lips. 

as the agent turned to leave I called him, 

"One more thing, I'd like you to look into the last name of L/n, see if it brings up anything, no matter how small." I ordered, watching as he nodded, and turned and left my office. 

now that I was alone, I recounted what he had told me, "If cornering her is all it takes to earn a kiss from you I may just have to do it again." 

Y/n's POV:

A sneeze left my lips, "Huh, someone must be talking about me"


!!! I'm trying to keep this as happy as possible (or mad...) how is it going lol? 

I'm thinking this'll probably be a shorter story, maybe 10- 15 chapters? 

How does that sound?

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