Trapped like a mouse between two cats and a golden retriever

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the two Kamisato siblings are the cats, and the golden retriever is Thoma XD !

also ooc ayaka, because I said so.... it's all good though bc it'll be explained later lol

Y/n's POV:

'What archon has it out for me' I asked myself mentally, refusing to make eye contact with the younger kamisato who stood before me. And who would, it must look like I was seducing her brother or something.

much to my surprise the first to speak was not Ayaka, but her brother, and even further surpising me he sounded rather calm, "Hello dear sister, to what do I owe the pleasure."

Her gaze flickered to me, causing me to quickly avert my eyes in embarrassment, "Oh, you hadn't come out for breakfast, and I began to worry for you." she stated, "Although it has become rather apparent as to the reason now."

"Oh and what reason would that be, dear sister? " He countered, playing dumb.

she let out a slight chuckle, it was rather dark and sinister, one very different than how people would have expected her to have act in-game. "You clearly don't care about the rumors, the great commissioner, sleeping with the very woman who said no to him in marriage. " She said, bringing a hand to her face, covering her lips, and giving me a rather sinister look causing me to lean further into ayato, "And you," She said, now clearly talking to me, "Who are you to use my brother?! especially after you publicly humiliated him, and now, what?" She continued, her voice sharp, like a sword, "You sleep with him?" pausing, allowing her words to fully sink in, "it's pathetic."

Although I should have been angry, I wasn't I understood that she was coming at me from a place of caring for her brother, and she was right I did humiliate him with my stunt at the wedding hall.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak to her, Thoma cut me off,

"Ahem, I think everyone is just hungry.." He said, looking away from the female kamisato who currently looked like she was about to kill him, "Why don't we discuss this over food."

Ayaka opened her mouth but was quickly cut off by her brother, "that sounds like a lovely idea, right sister?" He asked, clearly ending the verbal war that was happening. 

"Of course!" she said, her normal chipper voice returning as well as her smile, but it was an empty smile, one that did not meet her eyes. 

And with that Ayaka and Thoma left the room (thoma closed the door on the way). 

As soon as the duo left, Ayato buried his face in my neck and wrapped his hands around me, giving me a hug from behind. In return I simply leaned back into the hug, and placed my hands on his arms. 

We stayed like that for a few minutes before ayato reminded us that we did in fact have a place to be. 

 A few moments after they had left (and after the hug) Ayato excused himself to go take care of some things... in the bathroom (A/n: Ugh men), while he did that I took the opportunity to adjust my kimono to look more presentable, and contemplated jumping out of his window (again). I ultimately decided against it, since I was pretty sure that he would have some elaborate punishments... plus he did seem pretty irritated, so I didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

 When he came out of the bathroom he looked mildly irritated, "You braided my hair."

"... yea..." I said awkwardly, What else am I supposed to say?! 'hey you were really cute while you were sleeping, and your hair was just so soft I couldn't help myself?' yea no, that would be best left unsaid.

"Aha no" K. Ayato x readerWhere stories live. Discover now