What the actual fu-

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"Marry me"

"excuse me..."

"Y/n L/n will you marry me, Kamisato Ayato, I swear to make you the happiest women to ever live." the finished, his violet eyes looking into mine, a sense of seriousness in them. 

A/n: WAIT, Wait, wait, sorry there seems to have been an error, let's go back --->







time skip to earlier:

My eyes fluttered open, the sun(?) coming in through the windows of the abode. 

"So it really wasn't a dream, huh?" I said to myself softly, allowing it to really settle in. 

the rest of the morning went by as a blur, I bathed and changed into my clothes for the day. 

"Hmmmm, maybe I'll go out today and eat in town. I wonder what Dango milk really tastes like!" I said to myself excitedly as I walked out of the doors to the house, my eyes settling on tubby. 

"Good morning tubby, I'm planning on going out today, would you like me to bring you anything back?" I asked the floating adepti.

The adeptus seemed to beam, "thank you for the offer, but as an adeptus I do not need such things, do have a nice outing." they said to me, causing me to flush slightly in embarrassment. 

'damn, I forgot they were an adeptus...'

"Thanks Tubby, you too! I'll be back soon." I said to them as I made my way to the edge of the realm, my stomach growling as if on cue. 

"heh, I'll have to get to town quick!" I said to myself.

I closed my eyes and walked through the realm and back into the forest. 

I soon exited the teapot, turning around to grab it, so that I could put it back into my inventory. 

However the moment I came out of the teapot, I noticed that I was no longer in the forest, and that I was now in what seemed to be a traditional inazuman home. 

"shit, shit, shit..." I whispered under my breath, hoping that whoever grabbed the teapot wasnt home. 

I surveyed my surroundings, noticing that I was in a bedroom, ignoring that minor detail, I noticed the more important thing in the room, a window!

A nervous smile came to my lips, 

'going through the door means that I'd likely bump into the person who picked up my teapot (speaking of the teapot, you did put it in your inventory shortly after coming to your senses), so window it is!' I thought to myself, making my way to the window and sliding it open slightly.

"My, my leaving so soon?" the familiar voice of ayato cut through the silence, making me pause my actions. 

I slowly turned around, 

'play dumb, you got this!'

"I- I'm not even sure how I got in here... so I was just seeing myself out.." I said, avoiding his violet eyes. 

"Hmmm, sure. although I'm not sure that I know many people who would so boldly lie to my face." he responded in a condescending tone.

causing me to look up at him, "I'M NOT Lying." I said, my voice getting quieter as I notice how he had closed the gap between us. He was now just a few feet from me. 

"Huh, really, are you sure?" he asked maintaining eye contact as he came even closer to me, "Does it have nothing to do with that teapot?" he continued observing the apparent shock on my face.

"how did yo-" 

"Ahh, so you don't deny it, heh." he Said interrupting me. 

taking one final step he trapped me, I was leaning against the semi-open window, while he was but a few inches from me, staring me down, almost daring me to try to escape. 

He chuckled slightly, "say, L/n."

I only gave him a glare in response. 

"Oh don't be like that." He teased,  causing me to glare at him more intently, while I tried to fight off the blush that was most certainly coming upon my features. 

out of nowhere his expression changed from his teasing one into a more serious one.

"Marry me"

"excuse me..."

"Y/n L/n will you marry me, Kamisato Ayato, I swear to make you the happiest women to ever live." the finished, his violet eyes looking into mine, a sense of seriousness in them. 


his eyes continued to bore into mine, clearly wanting an answer. 

I looked away, finding it hard to find my words with his intent stare.

"I dont even know you well" I said,  you know, like a liar. 

Of course I knew him, I mained his sister when I played genshin, and even had him on my main team, I had him and Ayaka at friendship level ten, I had read both his and Ayaka's back stories, and even watched videos about him and his sister, but in this moment I just needed to get out of this situation before I did something I'd regret.

"Oh, really, even with all of the meetings our families had, that is awfully hard to believe." he countered, putting a finger to my chin and forcing me to look at him as he spoke.

"shit" I cursed quietly, then I inwardly cursed myself, 

'why'd I have to say that outloud' 

Ayato looked at me, "oh, why act so surprised? Hm-" He said tauntingly before I did the only thing I could think of to shut him up... 

I grabbed him by the cheeks and pulled him down to my level before kissing him. 

If he was surprised he did a good job of hiding it, but what surprised me was the way that he kissed back. He did so with such fervor, hunger even, going as far as lifting me up and placing me onto the dresser below the window, which surprised me causing me to gasp into the kiss allowing his tongue to find it's way into my mouth. 

As we kissed he moved his hands to where he could pull me further into him, one of his hands remained on my waist squeezing occasionally while the other found it's way to my hair, pulling and pushing slightly. 

we must've kissed for around thirty seconds before we were interrupted by the door opening my Thoma, the Kamisato housekeeper, causing me to taking my chance. 

I pushed ayato away, before fully opening the window, and propelling myself off of the dresser and out of the house, ignoring the commotion behind me.

For the second day in a row I found myself running, I wasnt sure if he'd try to chase me down, but I wasn't sure. I ran with one destination in mind, the grand narukami shrine. 


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