First of all, who the fuck are you?

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(This is where you are, except it's night so instead of the clouds there are stars)

also this chapter is a bit weird, I tried to make it aesthetic or something but it didn't really work.....

anyways, Back to the story:

It felt like you were air, so light.

when you finally came to your senses you still had a sense of weightlessness but it had gotten better allowing you to look at your surroundings.

which probably wasn't the best idea. 

"Where the fuck" 

you paused, looking down at yourself, seeing no signs of wounds you continued your monologue.

"you know what, this reminds me of a saying my uncle used to say" 

you thought out loud, while you continued to survey your surroundings.

"Life's a bitch, you marry one, and then you die." (a/n: true story)

you were in a room (?), maybe... it was almost as though you were in space. surrounding you were stars, they were so close yet so far. You felt as though you could reach out and touch them but at the same time you knew you couldn't. 

not going to lie, that kinda pissed you off, you didn't even know why.

"All my life, I have been so FUCKING MAD, and now here I am, dead. I shoulda slapped that lady, she probably deserved it." 

you continued to go off for the next god-knows-how-long, before a tall man, tapped you on the shoulder, startling you. causing you-in your sudden shock-to throw him to the floor. (you grabbed him by the hand and threw him over your shoulder...)

(here's what he looks like btw: (also I dont know the artist, I just saw him on pinterest and thought :' he'd work')

(here's what he looks like btw: (also I dont know the artist, I just saw him on pinterest and thought :' he'd work')

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you look at the man, "ya know, you shouldn't sneak up on a lady like that." 

' 10 years of martial arts finally paid off'

the white haired male could only groan in response. 

"jesus fucking christ woman. how the fuck-"

"hey man you startled me" you quickly cut him off before he acted like it was your fault, as you put your hand down to help him up. 

he took it, while giving you a skeptical look.

you sighed, "listen, I've had a bad day okay, I'm sorry for throwing you to the floor." 

the male looked genuinely shocked. 

"You know what, you're one of the good ones." he paused, not allowing you anytime to question him, before continuing "you like genshin, right?" you nodded, 'what does genshin have to do wit- "okay! how would you feel about going into the world of genshin impact?" the white haired male asked.

"hu- HUH?"

he looked at you with confusion, "I SAID, HO-"

"no, no I heard you, I'm just confused"

a look of irritation crossed the males features, "I am sebastian, I am someone who takes care of people who have passed on. essentially you have died, and I can give you choices of where to go." 

"you've had to explain that to a lot of people haven't you?" you asked.

"yep, now answer my question: do you want to live there or not?" Sebastian asked, clearly wanting to get this over with.


???? What did we say?!?!

"Aha no" K. Ayato x readerWhere stories live. Discover now