a mystery appears, will you follo- nah fuck that shit

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A/n Im not sure how I want to do this! I kinda want to go with a bit of a mystery/ romance but I'm really not sure... if I end up making the mystery bigger it may make this a bit longer, but if I dont.... IDK, anyways Y/n Ayato interactions here so, you're welcome ;D

Y/n POV:

It turned out that the demon (Yae Miko) had in fact sensed that my mind was else where while I was sweeping the stairs. 

'bitch how??? I was so careful, how could you tell, you couldn't even see m-'

"My, my, did you still not learn your lesson, being distracted while you were sweeping, and now even being distracted during training." she mocked as she sent many electro-fueled attacks towards me.

I dodged them, and attempted to send an attack of my own, only for her to focus her electro onto my metal blade, electrocuting me, once the smoke from her little stunt had cleared she looked around confusion painting her features for a split second as I launched myself at her from a direction she wasnt expecting, with a fist full of pure anemo energy. 

However her shock was short lived and she made quick work of my attack, electro quickly surrounded her and she was suddenly sent a few paces backwards, breaking my concentration and causing the anemo to dissolve, meaning the fox was victorious... again.

"That was definitely something!" She said, a giggle slipping out, "However you lost your concentration when I used my electro to bring myself backwards, to be able to utilize your abilities you must first learn how to maintain your concentration." She continued, her tone was reminiscent of a parent scolding their child.

She paused once again, looking at my tattered state, "Now begins the second part of your training, go sit close to the stream and meditate, focus in on nature, and learn how to maintain your concentration!" She finished, before turning to leave

Once she was out of sight a sigh left my lips, I looked down at my sword, I sighed once again before allowing it to disappear into my inventory, and I laid down in the grass, opting to take a breather and relax before I began the meditation.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes enjoying the last few minutes of the sun on my face before it would eventually retire to a place beyond the horizon, my enjoyment of the sun was soon interrupted, an abrupt shade loomed over me, I almost contemplated opening my eyes. 

I sighed for the nth time since Miko left, sitting up, I slowly opened my eyes, only to look up at the one and only (oni) Ayato... 

"fuck" a quiet curse left my lips, one that was barely audible, even to me. 

Ayato squatted down to my level, but he still towered over me slightly. 

"What was that, dear?" he asked, although his eyes lacked the usual mischief that they did when I last saw him. 

without thinking the words left my mouth, "are you okay?" 


my thoughts were cut off by the sound of his laughter, "My my, does my former fiancé care?" he asked between laughs. 

I dont know why, but in this moment my body betrayed me, maybe it was when he mentioned that I was his former fiancé, but I couldn't help the heat that found it's way to my face. 

"I- I do not!" I said, unsure of what else I was supposed to, no could have said without making it seem as though I cared, looking away as I did so, in hopes that he wouldn't see my reaction to his words.

once his laughter had finally ceased, I found myself being forced to look at him once more. 

"You know you are quite cute like this, perhaps we could go back to the-" 

I quickly cut him off by placing both of my hands onto his face (more specifically his mouth) while looking away. 

I only looked back at him when I felt him take my hands in his own, seeing my eyes of him once again, he brought one of my hands (still in his own) to his lips and began to pepper it with light kisses, an action that if it was done by any other person would result in a slap, but for some odd reason I couldn't find myself to slap him. 

My face only got hotter and hotter as he continued, I am pretty sure that I had steam coming out from my ears. He suddenly pulled me far closer (since he was holding my arm...), he leaned into me, his face was so close that I could feel his breathing on my own. 

"Kiss me" He said, with such seriousness in his tone, similar to the time he asked for my hand in marriage. 

his sudden request had me frozen in shock, it seems as though that has been happening a lot more now that I am in teyvet. 

sensing my shock he took it upon himself, he swiftly closed the distance between us, his lips coming into contact with my own, in doing so he towered himself over me. 

As opposed to the last time we kissed, it seemed like this time there was a hidden desire behind it. 

He continued to kiss me, while doing so he pushed me down into the grass, we parted for a few seconds before he connected us once more. 

he seemed almost hungry, but in the split moment when we separated for air I had a chance to see his eyes and they held an unreadable expression. 

I placed a hand on his chest, causing him to pull away.

He let out a small 'hmm?' clearly confused as to why I was stopping his assault upon my lips.

'is something going on?' I wanted to ask, but instead opted to just give him a small peck on his cheek, "I asked earlier, but.. are you okay?" I asked once more, wanting to understand the meaning behind the look in his eyes. 

his eyes widened, wordlessly he got off of me, helping me to sit up, "that's not important right now, but there's somewhere that I'd like you to come with me to." 

' I must've misheard'

"come with me" he said once more, extending a hand and helping me up. 

After a few minutes of silence (and me worrying about him) he finally spoke up again, "as much as I would love to see more of you, I'd rather see that in a different setting." he said, as he stopped walking, and leaned into my ear before continuing, "If this is an attempt to get me interested, consider me charmed." He finished, his eyes flickering downwards. 

a barely audible 'huh' left my lips as my eyes followed his, to see my disheveled clothes, as well as my almost exposed chest (thankfully I wore a bra anytime I had to wear it), wordlessly I fixed the outfit to go back to how it should have looked, as the warmth once again returned to my face. 


Let's hand it to Ayato, getting distracted from an important mission like a hormone infested teenage boy...

Anyway, I suppose you could say that we are finally on the plot train! yay, expect some bumps along the way!

In another turn of events, I am having a lot of trouble with tying up the ending for both this book and my jjk book (>:0). 

Today's question: 

who is your favorite archon, and why? 

Personally I really like raiden (she's really pretty and has an interesting story) and nahida (who also has an interesting story and is just a really good person).


Thank you all for the love on the story, its growing so fast!!! and make sure to comment! I love reading them lmao :D))

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