Introducing the Hag

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also, your appearance stays the same as how you look rn, aside from the outfit change lol.

Also, y/n is usually not this bold, usually only when she is having a strong emotion (really happy or really mad) and it take a lot to make her that mad.

your pov:

When I finally opened my eyes, i was in a room filled with people.

'okay, so sebastian kept his promise, but where exactly am I?'

I wondered as I looked around, making eye contact with a brown haired man, who was dressed like a marriage Officiant..

'this is getting weirder by the second...'

"miss, did you not hear me" the brown haired male asked nervously.

"huh?" I responded, 'what's this guy talking about' I thought as I looked down to my outfit, it was a traditional kimono that brides wore to weddings.

"Do you, Shinyomiya y/n, of the Shinyomiya clan. Take kamisato ayato, the head of the kamisato clan, as your husband?" he asked.

I'm not sure what came over me in that moment, but I just started laughing. It wasn't rude laughter either (although in this situation it appeared to be rude).

"hah- aha no." I finally found my voice, and gave the officiant my answer, as I turned my attention to my almost husband, kamisato ayato, who up until this morning didn't exist (but then again isekai is a bitch).

the blue haired male in question was surprised, to say the least.

he thought that you both knew that it was a contract based marriage, one that would strengthen both families, and here you are laughing at the officiant, and acting as though didn't know this was happening!?

color him intrigued.

The audience was however, not as impressed. One man seemed to be pissed.


"so that's the dad, huh, what an ass" I whispered under my breath.

I turned my attention for the man's outburst to the officiant, "say, you can have people's last names changed right?" I asked.

The officiant looked confused but nodded

(a/n if this doesn't make sense don't ask too many questions okay?)

"can you change my last name?" I asked.

the officiant looked confused but nodded nonetheless.

"great" I clapped excitedly, "can you change it to L/n?"

He looked even more confused but complied with my wishes.

I turned my attention to the old man (hag) shouting at me.

"hey old man," the room when quiet, and the hag in question looked like he was about to burst a vein. "you DARE TO CA-"

"yes." the room was once again quiet. "listen, I renounce the family name, shizuki, was it?" my 'father' was shocked.

" wait no, that's wrong, shin.... Oh! Shinyomiya. I renounce the family name, shinyomiya!"

I corrected myself with a smile, feeling giddy that I had been given a new opportunity at life, having the first been taken so soon.

'Father' however did not share my opinion. "YOU WOULDNT DARE!" he shouted, with confidence.

I gave him a glare, "ehe, I just did!" I replied, the smile coming to my face once again. "and all of these people are my witness."

at this moment 'Father' fell back into his seat, defeated.

i looked back to the wedding officiant who handed me a sheet of paper. "here's your copy of you name change." he said, clearly shocked my the entire fiasco that had just happened in the wedding hall.

Looking at the paper, I smiled.

'I died and got reincarnated, I'm going to live life to the fullest, and not let anyone keep me down anymore!' I thought to myself.

Almost as soon as I concluded my thought a burst of green blue light appeared before me, a strange shaped object with a teal center floated before me.

"a vi- vision!? !?" I exclaimed quietly. "h-how?!"

I put my other hand out, to allow the vision to float down into my hand.

I'm not sure how long I stayed like that, but It gave me a chance to remember something that I needed to do.

I looked up from my vision, to face the man I almost married.

'god this is so embarrassing'

"Listen, I'm really sorry about all of this, none of this was your fault, the blame falls directly on me. anyways, I gotta go. daddy dearest looks like he's about to skin me alive, later!" I said, rushing the last part, as I soon began to run out of the wedding hall.

before I got all the way out I heard my 'father' shout some sort of insult, so I threw a layer of the wedding outfit at him, I unfortunately missed is reaction because I was trying to get out, but i'm willing to bet it was priceless.

Ayato's Pov:

"hah, what a strange woman, I think I would have actually enjoyed a marriage with such a woman"

I said under my breath, amused by the whole situation.

"Aha no" K. Ayato x readerWhere stories live. Discover now