Many Years Later/Life in Jungle

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As the Sailors grew up, the protective suits were no longer necessary as the only option was to be naked, which was more comfortable and liberating.
Although they received eternal life, they would eventually become unbeatable beautiful heroines who began to combat any type of threat to protect the Pokémon species but also receive and gain the trust of tourists and trainers, without knowing what would come next in their lives.
As the Sailors grew up in their new home protecting the jungle from dangers, Ash remained with his adoptive family for years, to protect himself, the boy was mentores by a wise and stornger Lucario with good experience who trained him correctly and became Pikachu's friends and others Pokémon, and ocasionally Pikachu also started to accompany him on his walks.
The lost boy now was a grown up boy of medium height and surprisingly handsome for someone his age, ever since seeing his reflection in the water for the first time he accepted who he really was protecting the jungle from harm, Ash remained with his adoptive family for years, to protect himself, the boy was mentored by a Lucario with good experience who trained him correctly and became friends with Pikachu who occasionally accompanied him on walks through the environment.

"Stop siblings! It tickles."

Stop siblings! It tickles!"

The four Growlithe obeyed their human brother who wiped his licked face. The Arcanine couple went to see their son, now independent and responsible, taking care of his siblings.

"It seems like just yesterday he was only a lost baby but now he grew up into a mature and caring young man."

"You're right dear, he had the best of mentors."

"Mom! Dad! Come have fun with us! We could run through the fields." Ash invited their parents who agreed to participe in the family game.

Not far from there Usagi and Luna were observing the landscape of Kanto and the Pokémon species from the ground to the flying ones. Not far from there Usagi and Luna were observing the landscape of Kanto and the Pokémon species from the ground to the flying ones.

"Isn't pretty Usagi?"


The black female cat noticed that her blonde friend didn't look excited.

"What's up Usagi? Didn't like the landscape?"

"I liked it Luna, I was just thinking about my parents, Shingo...I miss Tokyo, our kingdom and it still has the worst part.."

"It's about male mates again right?"

The young woman nodded in affirmation.

"I don't understand why humans in this world don't see us with good eyes. The girls and I don't have anyone who accepts and gives us love, it would be much better.

"Don't worry Usa, you and the girls will find mates worthy of their love and empathy.  And the important thing is not the appearance but the mind and heart."

Usagi smiled and hugged Luna.

"You are the best friend I ever had Luna. We will wait for the moment until they appear."

After talking to Luna, the lunar guardian went for a walk alone. She was afraid that she would be rejected again by tourists or trainers as the last ones, but her fear turned to joy when an Azumarill, a Bunneary and a Bunnelby appeared that made her smile naturally remembering her childhood in Tokyo. The three rabbit-like Pokémon managed to make her more comfortable and less anxious.
Usagi continued with the bunnies while her friends supervised the Pokémon everywhere to make sure everything was safe. Ami guided the aquatic species to new burrows, Rei taught the flaming species to perfectly control the temperature, Makoto generated more vines and fruits on the trees as a source of food in addition to handling more electricity from her body and Minako trained aim with the help of some Starly and Bisharp.
Little did they know that they were being surreptitiously watched by a boy in ripped red shorts who was moving through the trees and was also keeping an eye on Beryl.

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