An Unexpected Encounter

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Battle Scarred continued in the tree where he was now seeing Ash and the girls sleeping harmoniously, still not sleepy he went down from the tree to walk a little when mysteriously a noise echoed through the trees.

"Something's here!"

The sound kept echoing, and to know where it was coming from, Yoshi started to run.

"Run! Run for your life! I help Pokémon with survival! No one's my rival!"

In the shadows a humanoid figure ran away.

"Who's there?! Come out and I might not have to use force. And it looks like you've decided to become human for evil purposes, I'm warning you Beryl!"

However, the figure stopped running and responded peacefully.

"I'm not Beryl."

This made Yoshi stop running and become curious about the voice.

"Huh? That's Beryl's voice, wait do you mean harm to the Pokémon from jungle? If you do then I won't hesitate to take you down, if not then please come out so I can talk with you calmly."

"Please don't accuse me like that. I would never harm any Pokémon because I have few memories of Pallet and I was raised by a family of Fennekin and Delphox."

Yoshi was surprised by everything he had heard.

"Please come out, I apologize for my behaviour, I'm just very protective with the jungle and the species that lives here.We seem to feel the same way.  When I was younger I lost my parents in a fire years ago while you were lost and never seen again. Please come out I can't help you if you remain hidden."

"Can I trust you? I'm not used to...boys..."

"Hey, no need to be shy. I give you my word to trust me."

Then the figure revealed to be Serena, who, when looking at the boy in front of her, recognized him while Yoshi blushed to see her after many years, now much more beautiful despite her body.

"Hello? It can't be, you're the boy I saved from the hunters! And now you're here with me."

"I never forgot about you either..." Yoshi covered his face shyly.

"You're ok?"

"Y-Y-Yes I'm only. It’s j-j-j-just you're so b-b-b-beautiful. And now we meet again, I'm Yoshi Dinosaur, but all the Pokémon call me Battle Scarred because of my scars that I got in many battles I had in other regions, and who would you be?"

"I'm Serena."

Yoshi then noticed a scar in Serena's shoulder

"Nice to meet you Serena. How did you get that scar on your shoulder?"

"Fighting against a Lieprad."

"Whoa! Even you can handle dangerous species."

"I think the two of us are almost the same...I feel sorry for your parents.."

"It's okay Serena. Thanks to Arceus he blessed me with the gift of understanding and speaking with all Pokémon and I can teleport to any region. With each trip I've taken I've gotten stronger, and I'm here in the jungle keeping an eye on Beryl but luckily my friends and I have allies we can trust, and she's the one who killed several tourists and Ash's father, Dave."

"It's horrible.."

"But do not worry. I'll protect you like you've protected me, and you'll love meeting my old friend May, she's my sister at heart."

"Thanks, Scarred. And what is your greatest power?"

"Well, whenever I arouse my rage I am able to roar, and when I roar the spirits of the extinct ones arise in a huge rainbow beam that can hurl any wrongdoer away. It's the Roar of the Extinct Ones."

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