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With the sky darkening, the couple was walking after that beautiful moment together.

"So you feel now?"

"I feel better. Again I would like to apologize for earlier, you would be sad if I actually slapped you."

"It's okay honeyhair. Sometimes we can say or do things we shouldn't because of anger but I'm glad you understand."

"I never told you this but I also ended up falling in love with you since that day..."

"Hey, you don't have to be shy in front of me. Now we are a couple that trusts each other, and since you mentioned that, I wanted to tell you what it was like to become a protector of the Pokémon world."

"Can you tell me please."

"Before the fire I met and had a conversation with Arceus. He told me all about the regional problems that suffer from poaching, greed and neglect in the world he created. But after I was orphaned, I almost got my hopes up if it weren't for him blessing me with amazing abilities like Pokémon communication, teleport to any region, summon my extinct spirits, and the more powerful roar I mentioned earlier."

"But how was it to adapt?"

"When I started to protect all endangered species, my Pokémon friends helped me adapt in this world. May and I met in the first fight against the hunters. And over time we became friends in addition to Dawn who is her best friend, and I came to see May as my sister because of our bond. But meeting you again was even better."

Serena gave a cute laugh.

"Your story is amazing Yoshi! When we met last night I could clearly see that despite the scars around us there is a kind and heroic heart capable of winning and overcoming the worst obstacles."

"Well, I forgot to forget about everything after I was adopted. And a memory that I keep very fondly is of four beings."

"And they has name?"

"Kunzite, Jadeite, Zoicite and Nephirite."

"Upon hearing the names Battle Scarred went into shock recognizing those names."

"It's the wolves!"


"I'm sorry I don't have that but they... are being controlled by Beryl..."

"Hey, don't worry Serena. They will be good again."

"And what were your parents like?"

Yoshi then looked down at the ground in sadness. It had been so long since he’d been asked about his parents.


I know I'm an orphan but I'll never forget them, their names were Liza and Ademin who were archaeologists from the city where I came from. They were brave, kind, loyal and honest. I also studied at a special school called Penameasa where everyone was welcome to deal with adaptation. But something happened and we had to move into that world."

"Don't be like that, now you have new friends and so do I."

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