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Meanwhile, on a distant hill Battle Scarred was looking up at the sky sadly remembering her parents the day the fire destroyed their home.

" me for not helping you, but thank you for saving me even with a hard sacrifice. I will never forget about you and Louisa...would be proud of me, Arceus chose me as the protector of the Pokémon world and everything will be fine.."

Suddenly howls echoed through the hill, Yoshi recognized.


The scarred boy turned until he was met by four familiar wolves. The first wolf had blonde fur and crystal blue eyes with loose bangs, the second had brown fur, light eyes and long hair, the third had blonde fur with slicked-back hair and green eyes, and the fourth was white with long hair and blue eyes.  They were Beryl's best minions, and to make matters worse, each had a crystal around their necks that corrupted them into dangerous beasts unable to speak.

"So you decided to show up again, didn't you?" Yoshi seriously asked the wolves that snarled at him.

The wolves continued to snarl taking a few more steps forward, and with a sly smile Yoshi scuttled down and began to slide away.

"Come get me if you can!"

With Yoshi fleeing, the four wolves followed, Jadeite fired his freezing breath but Yoshi teleported the beam to Kunzite, who furiously fired dark energy to catch Battle Scarred but to no avail.

"Nice try Kunzite!"

Nephirite then used his shadows to grab Yoshi, and before Zoisite could burn him with his flames Battle Scarred whistled with his fingers, thus calling a group of Aerodacryl and Braviary to help drive off the four wolves with air attacks that threw them to the ground. far away.

"Thanks guys, those wolves are no match for the protector!"

"Why you're our hero Battle."

"Protects us from the worst hunters."

"Well you, May and Dawn could call someone else to fight together."

With the flying Pokémon saying that, Scarred was thoughtful for a moment thinking about having someone to be his mate since May and Dawn were just his female friends.

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