Emergency Meeting

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Meanwhile not far from there Oak, Tracey and Misty were walking.

"It's a great day to walk around here and see the species from other regions."

"I wish I was swimming with my sisters!" Misty complained but Tracey reassured her.

"Calm down love, the jungle is a beautiful place with lakes and waterfalls."

"That's right Tracey. You might change your mind if we told you there are different water Pokémon you'd love."

"Alright Prof, you convinced me."

Meanwhile, Tracey began to feel the heat tugging at his collar. A burning figure jumped out and revealed herself as Rei, who startled the three and began interrogating them.

"Who are you three and what are you doing here?"

Oak and the couple soon calmed down when Battle Scarred showed up to set the record straight.

"It's okay Rei, they're friends."

"Oh, Battle Scarred. We were looking for you."

"They're your friends?"

"Yes, these are Professor Oak, Misty and Tracey. They study everything about Pokémon life, and don't see them as a way to get rich but rather as companions and friends."

"So you three are really friends?"


"We didn't come here to harm the jungle, we're just walking. James told us about you and the girls with powers that protect all Pokémon and punish poachers."

"The man who collected informations from the traumatized hunter is the same as my crows said before!"

"Crows?" Misty asked.

"They are Phobos and Deimos, my guardians."

"Yes Rei. They and James are trusted to keep the secret of their existence and their powers. And no one will exploit you and the girls."

"Well, I would like for the trust. By the way I'm Rei Hino but my codename is Mars and I can manipulate fire."

"Mars..It really suits with you. In addition to this news, we also found out that Ash's father was an Aurabender but Beryl killed him."

"I didn't expect that, but we don't know if Ash has powers but he's good at fighting for helping out before."

"And where is he now?"

"At the waterfall with my friends in a date..."

"Also did we heard right? Is Delia's lost son on a date?"

"Yeah, and believe me we love much him more than a friend."

"HOW?!?!" Misty was stunned by the revelation.

"How can I politely explain? We became friends, and over time we ended up really falling in love, and he treats us with respect and harmony."

"Young love, always full of new surprises."

"Impressive! It's the first time I hear about a boy dating five girls at the same time and it's very happy."

The magical cats appeared from the bushes and saw the three humans.

"Rei, who are these humans?"

Tracey noticed the two cats.

"Wait, did those two Pokémon just talk?"

"We're not Pokémon, we're cats."

"Magical cats. You're also friends?"

"Yes we are, I'm Prof Oak and these are Misty and Tracey."

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