Family Sentiment

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Meanwhile, in Pallet, things were not looking good for Delia who was in Oak's laboratory, waiting for her friends for a personal talk about her beloved son having been missing for the years since that day. It wasn't long before Grace, Meowth, Johanna and Jessie arrived to sit with a sad Delia being comforted by Oak.

"We arrived, why did you call us here?"

"You don't look good, Delia."

"It's okay if you don't want tell us."

"It's been 15 years since I lost my little Ash..."

"We're sorry."

"Tell us better from the beginning."

Delia sighed and opened her heart to tell.

"As you may know, on my last trip to the jungle I took my son along while I studied some species, and while I turned my back for a minute to arrange for us to leave he was no longer there." Delia then started to sniff. "It was my fault."

"It wasn't your fault."

"I promised Dave that I would take care of him with all my might."

"Ohh...that's terrible.."

"But I'm sure you'll find him one day."

"I will him and not make that mistake again."

"You're the best mother we know, and has a honset heart like us."

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