Final Battle/Beryl's Defeat

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Suddenly, directly from the shadows the four wolves appeared snarling at Battle Scarred, leaving everyone scared, and they weren't alone, Beryl followed after them with an evil smile.

"Well, if it isn't the boy who didn't save his parents from the flames and become the protector of the Pokémon world."


"Ah, Battle Scarred, at last we meet, face to face. I've got to say, you're not that powerful."

"What have you done to them?"

"It is not obvious? I corrupted them with my crystals to destroy the guardias but the only one who got away was their former prince, the antelope!"


The Shitennou quartet continued to corner the two humans and Edgar away, but Grace recognized them.

"You are the wolves...whom my daughter met and befriended, years ago in the jungle.."

But the wolves didn't want to listen to Grace.

"Grace! Oak! Run away, it's dangerous. Don't let anyone out of the houses!"

Oak and Grace fled leaving Edgar and Yoshi to fight Beryl and the wolves.

"Do you really think this a good idea to challenge me?"

"Nothing will stop me from confronting you, and your goons from stealing pure hearts and threatening innocent Pokémon!"

Then Battle Scarred started fighting Beryl while Edgar took care of the wolves. A Tailow was flying overhead when he saw the battle, and Battle Scarred was in trouble with the wolves.

"Oh no! Beryl and Shitennou is attacking Battle Scarred! I've gotta Ash, Serena and the others!"

The Tailow hoped that he was not too late to warn them. Meanwhile Ash, May, Serena and all the Inner Guardians were all with a lot of Pokémon that was ready for battle. They were waiting for Battle Scarred to come so they started to search for their friend to find Beryl and take her down. But he don't showed up.

"Rei, I am very worried about my brother. I hope he's okay, and he's alive. I've been looking for him all over and haven't seen him."

"Don't worry May, he will back."

Makoto thought for a moment where Yoshi could be.

"Where could he is?"


Ami was about to say it when Tailow flew towards them.

"Sailors! Big trouble! Big trouble! Big trouble!"

Haruka raised her arm for him to land.

"What's going on?"

"Beryl...Battle Scarred...Pallet town...fighting....IN TROUBLE...!"

Listening with attention, Michiru soon understood the case.

"He says that Battle Scarred and Beryl are on Pallet in a confront between life or death!"

"Yes! He, Edgar and your friends in Pallet are outnimbered! All you need to help them before Beryl kills Battle Scarred!"

The Tailow left Haruka's arm, who got ready beside Michiru and called her friends.

"Come on girls! We have friends to help!"

The Sailors activate their powers, Ash with Pikachu on his shoulder summoned all of the jungle's Pokémon into battle.

"Can you all help us too?"


"SURE WE CAN! FOR KANTO!!!" The Pokémon species agreed thanks to training and willpower to overcome the oppression of hunters and goons.

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