VIII | Wake Up

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All he could hear was the sound of the monitors beeping and static with a high pitched ringing. Slowly the world faded in and out, he couldn't move and couldn't speak but he could hear. Sometimes.

"Blood pressure is eighty over forty-five."

"Apply more pressure, get an IV in here."

"Steve- Steve wake up."

"Wake. Up.

Wake. Up.

It's time, to wake. Up.


But not quite.

Wake. Up.

Tick tock goes the clock

But times not up.

It's time to...

Wake. Up."

"Wake up?"


Wake up."

With a sudden gasp, he rose from the bed.


"What happened?"

"A severe concussion, five broken ribs, a broken leg, a collapsed lung, three seziers, and two surgeries with way too many complications after a crazy fight." Tony took a deep breath after the long list. "You put up a hell of a fight Steve."

"What is this place?"

"Secret base, just in case we would have to go underground. Nick Fury doesn't even know about this place."

"Where's Bucky?"

"You're asking a lot of questions."

"Is he ok? Did we win?"

"Yes. Yes. And he's with the prisoner."

"Is he with someone?"

"Yes. The prisoner."

"Without anyone else?"

"That's right."

Steve tried to get up, but Tony stopped him. "Wow there big guy, you've been out for a week, you're not going anywhere. He's fine. Stay down."

"Kurtis can hurt him."

"Actually it's Y/n L/n, and no, he can't. He's in a prison fit for Loki. He's never getting out."

"Y/n L/n?"

"That's what he says. And after a few facial recognitions, Friday had confirmed it. He's not too far behind you on age too."

Masquerade (Bucky Barnes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now