XXVI | Who Are You?

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"I'm gonna go out for a smoke and then we can go to Anthony's." Y/n said, putting on his jacket and touqe.

"Did you tell him?" Steve asked Bucky.


"I assumed considering he's got stuff that can help with my whole memory loss thing.. I think. Or maybe that was..." He shrugged, finishing his thought in his head, grabbing his wallet and opening the pack of cigarettes.

"Yeah, we'll be out in five minutes." Steve said.

He placed a cigarette between his teeth, "Alright." Then he went outside the apartment door, since it lead right outside.

"It's weird seeing him smoking." Bucky commented.

"Growing up in Germany in the 30's and 40's, half of that time in Hydra? It doesn't supprise me but it doesn't feel right either."

"I mean, it's not like it'll do anything to him, he's a super soilder." Bucky shrugged.

"Sometimes I forget we are." Steve sighed. "Alright, let's go." They got up from the couch, grabbed thier jackets and keys and stepped outside. Y/n lied on the floor, shaking, seizing. His cigarette had flipped and burnt his lips, he hadn't noticed because he wasn't conscious.

"Call Tony." Bucky flicked the cigarette away and held Y/n on his side, making sure he wouldn't choke on his own saliva or vomit. Steve had already dialed Tony and he was on his way. It wasn't long before Tony had gotten there, but Y/n was still seizing.

"How long has he been seizing?" Tony asked as he landed. He was holding a briefcase looking bag.

"No longer than five minutes." Bucky answered.


"He needs 18mg of diazepam sir."

Tony injected the diazepam from the bag. The seizing slowed after a few minutes until it came to a stop, but Y/n didn't wake up.

"He needs to get to headquarters, I brought a Quinnjet, it's on the roof."


"He's just out for a bit, he'll wake up soon." Bruce told Bucky. He was waiting in the hall outside the medbay with Steve, but he had gone to get water.

"Do you think he'll remember anything?"

"I'm not sure. I did a few MRI's since he's out cold, nothing was abnormal; but MRI's can't predict memory loss. I'm sorry Bucky."

"Thanks anyway Banner." He sighed. As Bruce was leaving Bucky asked, "can I see him?"

"Sure. Maybe he'll wake up sooner that way."

Bucky followed Bruce into Y/n's temporary room until he woke up.

"I'll leave ya here." And with that he left. Bucky stood over Y/n, he pushed his hair off his face and sighed.

"Please remember me..." His fingers lingered on his lovers face.

Thats when his eyes shot wide and it scared both James and himself. Y/n looked to the hand on his face with confusion, then to Bucky. His hand lifted and wrapped around Buckys neck. Lifting himself off the bed whilst pushing Bucky closer to the wall, Y/n pinned him in the corner. He grabbed the pen that was on his charts and threw off the cap.

"Wer zur Hölle bist du."
(Who the hell are you.)

"I am James Buchanan Barnes."

Masquerade (Bucky Barnes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now