XXV | It's a Little Bit Funny

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"Hey... you!" A man with long h/c hair walked in, he had a bit of a stubble, and a huge healing wound on his right cheek. He was dirty and covered in blood and dirt. He wore a black shirt and red flannel over it, a brown cap sat on his head and he wore black ripped jeans, but they werent made that way, it was ripped from wear and tear. His shoes were torn and falling apart, mud caked on them at the bottom.

"You. I'm supposed to know you." His German accent was very thick.

"Who the fuck are you." Bucky demanded. "How did you get in."

"Oh, I have the keys, I think." He held up a keychain. Y/n's keychain.

"How did you get those." His voice was threatening.

"You. You are someone I know. I think this stuff is mine."

Buckys face went soft, he recognized this man, he was so familiar, but something was off.

"It's a funny story."

"Take off your shoes, take a seat on the couch."

"Thank you friend!" He seemed very cheery. As he took off his shoes, Bucky went to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of water, a bottle of bourbon, and two scotch glasses of ice.
"Do you drink?"

"I don't know." The man said. He sat on the couch in a very uniform way, like he had served time.

Bucky poured the bourbon into the glasses of ice, "That water is for you." He offered.

"Thank you." The man chugged the water quite quickly. Bucky glanced at his lips, they were very chapped.

"You can have mine as well." He said, sliding his water and a glass of bourbon towards the man's side of the coffee table.
He took a big gulp from his water, and sat it down before drinking some of the bourbon.

"What's your name?"

The man put his glass down and thought. "I don't know. It's not Bob, or Masha though."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't like those names."

"Fair enough."

They sat in silence for a moment as they both sipped on thier bourbon.

"What's this great story."

"Oh yes. I was on my way to-"

Steve interrupted with unlocking the door and walking through.

"I have to write down who I give copies of my keys to."

"Oh my God. Ivan! From the school!"

"What?" Steve was confused.

"I thought those bastard Nazi's took you away you Jew!" He got up from the couch and hugged Steve.
"You've grown! Holy shit."

"Bucky who is this?"

"Bucky? That's an odd name, I think I've heard it."

"Steve this is..." Bucky looked at the man again. Something was familiar, he knew after he walked in the door.

"Steve? Oh." The man patted Steve's shoulder. "Sorry my friend, you look an awful lot like Ivan." The man said, returning to his seat.

It was someone he knew, someone he loves, but somethings off. He walked up to the man and he stood quickly as he got closer. Bucky took off his hat and looked at his eyes.

"What are you do-"


"Maybe." He shrugged. "I like that name."

Masquerade (Bucky Barnes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now