XVII | Pardon Me

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You opened your eyes to the bright sun peering through the blinds with a groan. You sturred in your half awaken sleep, tossing and turning. That was until your hand hit a very firm chest.

You looked over in horror.

"How the fuck do we keep doing this!" You said a little louder than intended.

Bucky groaned and looked up to you from his lying position. With a sharp inhale, he sat up. "What the fuck." He whispered. "What the hell happened?" This time, he really didn't know.

"I don't know." This time, your really didn't know.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"What do you mean what do you mean-" his alarm clock caught your eye. "Shit!"


You rushed out of bed, almost tripping over the blankets that tangled at your feet. You looked down, realizing you were fully nude. "Fuck." You covered up the best you could as you tried to find your boxers and pants. Bucky looked for his as he stayed under the covers, and tried to avoid looking at you all together. "I'm getting pardoned in three hours and I need to show up to the courtroom an hour early."

"That's today?!" Buckys eyes widened, looking at the time and rushing to get his boxers on, before rushing to get a suit on.

"We are so screwed." You panicked slightly as you slid your shirt on. "Be ready in ten minutes, please." You said before leaving to your room to get ready.

In exactly ten minutes, Bucky was frantically knocking on your door. You answered in seconds. He wore a black suit and had his hair slicked back with a freshly shaved face.
You were halfway through shaving your face, but had a navy blue suit on. As you opened the door, you tossed the keys to Bucky.

"Get the car ready to go, and I mean go." You instructed before going back to the bathroom and shaving the rest of your face as quick as possible without cutting yourself. You slicked back your hair quickly, bringing a comb with you along with your phone, wallet, toothbrush and toothpaste.

You ran out of the building as fast as you could. The car was running right infront of the doors, Bucky had his foot to the petal, ready to drive off. You threw your things into the car before jumping over the door and into your seat as he drove off faster than a bat out of hell.

On the way there, you combed your hair and brushed your teeth.

"That's disgusting." Bucky chuckled as you spat toothpaste out the car.

"So is dirty teeth on a court date." You laughed.

Bucky parked and tossed the keys to the chauffeur before you both hopped out and ran up into the private jet Tony had provided you to get to the Whitehouse.

"Mr. Barnes, Mr. L/n, I apologize, but we might be late." A flight attendant informed you as you both began to buckle into your seats.

"It's alright-" you looked for her nametag, "Deborah. Can I call you Debbie?"

"Yes Mr. L/n."

"Debbie. It's quite all right, our faults really, lost track of time."

"We'll try to get you there as soon as possible, I understand this is a very important matter. Is there anything I can get you?"

"I'll take whatever you have for a hangover."

"Make it two please." Bucky pipped up.

"Two for a hangover and two black coffees please Debbie."

"I'll get that for you right away Mr. L/n."

"Thank you darling." You winced at the bright light that shone in your face when she left, and pinched the bridge of your nose.

Masquerade (Bucky Barnes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now