IX | Recovery

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The screams could be heard from miles if they weren't hidden under ground. The laughter all the same. There, layed a boy, strapped ontop a steel sheet. Around him were doctors and scientists with clipboards and pens, documenting everything.

"Lass mich gehen! Lass mich gehn!"
(Let me go)


The boy didn't quite understand, but he was quite none the less.

"What you are about to see today, if successful, will be the first child, Super Soilder." The woman spoke. "And if successful, he will grow to be the most powerful of all." A nurse handed a needle to her.

"Mutter, bitte..."
(Mother, please.)

"Schließe deine Augen."
(Close your eyes)

The boy shut his eyes tightly as the needle dug under his skin, pumping blue serum into his veins.

"Es brennt mutter! stop!"
(It burns mother! Stop!)

The young boy screamed as it felt his blood was gasoline with a match struck in. No one stopped them, no one cared, all they did was stare as he struggled agenst his restraints. Bubbles and blisters of skin randomly appeared across his body and his veins became more prominent. As the cells in his body tore apart and rebuilt at a rapid pace he felt queezey. He started to shake, fully conscious, but the same symptoms of a seizure. He started to cough as blood leaked into his lungs. He choked as it went back and forth from his lungs throat and mouth. Soon the seizing stopped, and so did the blood. A doctor freed his right arm, allowing him to lean over the table and spit out the mouth full of blood onto the floor. He gave another few coughs and wiped his mouth with his free hand.

The boy had now almost grown double his height in a matter of seconds, and although he was fit before, now he was lean and muscular.

Beside the metal table he layed on, was a small cart. On the cart was a small scalpel and needle. With a quick move of his hand, the boy grabbed both, stabbing the nearest person with the needle and the next person to stop him with the scalpel.

"Habe ihn sediert!"
(Sedate him)

A doctor yelled. Two doctors went to pin him down, but he had already gotten two other restraints off.

"Call security! Rufen Sie den Sicherheitsdienst!"

The boy managed to throw the doctors off of him and get off the table breaking the restraints as he did.


The woman stopped them as the boy took a breath. Blisters covered the boys chest and blood covered his face, he was scared. The Winter Soilder came in, and the boy became spooked. He picked up the small cart and threw it at him, but he blocked it and pushed it away. Before he could cause any further damage, the Winter Soilder picked up the boy and put a cloth to his mouth and nose. The boy soon fell asleep.

A scream could be heard from bellow. Bucky was in the kitchen getting a glass of water at about one in the morning. When he heard the scream he dropped his glass into the sink and rushed towards it. He grabbed his knife from his pocket and opened the door the screams could be heard from. On the other side was Y/n in his cell, with a broken nightstand.

"What the hell happened?"

No reply, just shock written all over his face.


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