Chapter 18

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So my mom just told me to get out the house and take my baby sister outside. She says I spend to much time inside. like I'm still going to be on my phone wether I'm inside or out. (Pictures of our chalk drawings😂)


I walked backstage before Punk and I's match against Kaitlyn and Dean. God I can't stand her, I can't believe I would be best friends with a person like that she left me just like everyone else. I decided to forget Kaitlyn and search for one special person. My eyes lite up and a smirk appeared on my face when I found the person, I needed standing right in front of me at catering.

"Hi." I said, walking up to him

"Hi AJ what do your need, i know you need something." He said

"Why do you assume the worst of me."

"Well do you nkt need something?"

"Yeah but i mean i could just have wanted to say hi."

"AJ just tell me what you need already, i dont gave time for this."

"Okay i need some information on Kaitlyn and your the only one who has tghe info i need."

"And what do i get?"

"You get me."

"Is that supposed to be good or bad?"

"Your such an ass."

"I know, but what do you need to know."

"What was said between her and the Shield today in the gym?" I asked


"Because I just do okay damn it." I said, he was making me frustrated.

"Okay. Okay calm down. They were talking about tricking you. Making you think they are arguing and then the guys tell you they dont want Kaitlyn on their team when they really do." He said

"Oh, really? So they want to play games."

"I guess, what are you going to do?" He asked

"Im gonna play along with them." I said

"Are you sure that's the smart thing to do?"

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later. I have my match with Phil now." I said walking away from catering and to the gorilla.
Punk was there, jumping up and down and punching the air, warming himself up.

"Hey Phil." I said and he didn't even look at me, so the silent treatment is what I get. His music played and he was going to walk out, so I grabbed his arm. I could feel him tense up, I let him go and did my usual skip to the ring. I watched as he stared at Kaitlyn, it honestly made me angry what does she have that I don't have. I mean she practically looks like a man she has enough muscles to be one. I was snapped out of my thought by the bell, signaling the match was starting, Phil and Dean started the match.

******Ending moments of match******

I watched as Kaitlyn fell on her knees onto the mat, I took the opportunity to hit her with Shining wizard. I tried to lock in Black widow, but she was making it hard and I couldn't get my leg in the place it needed to be. Next thing I know I'm being driven back in to the ring post. I let her go and rolled out of the ring, I started to get up soon after and I saw Kaitlyn standing in between Dean and CM Punk. So I did what anyone would do, I drop kicked her. I watched Dean give Punk dirty deeds, so I did what I do best, I kissed him. He didn't kiss back, if anything he was pushing me off but I know deep down he wanted to kiss me back, or so I like to think. I broke the kiss and turned to exit the ring, then I saw Kaitlyn charging at me it was too late to move and I was soon hit with a spear. Then she stared punching me over and over again, someone pulled her off me and I was able to roll out of the ring. I heard the bell ring and Lillian say "The Shield had won," yeah yeah they had one this time, but they got lucky I will win in the end. I struggled to get to my feet and stumbled up the ramp following Phil.

Kaitlyn POV

"Oh My God that was awesome, that was such a high." I said walking into The Shield's locker room. I heard Seth, Dean, and Roman laughing behind me.

"I'm not gonna lie, that was an interesting match you guys really worked as a team. Next mix tag team match I'm tagging with Kait, she had your back a lot out there." Roman said

"Yeah you really did, thanks Kait." Dean said walking over to Kaitlyn and hugging her.

"Don't thank me, that's what teams do. We're actually More than a team, a were a family." I said

"Yeah, you're right." Seth said

"Yup, well I have to go, John's waiting for me I'll see you guys soon." I said leaving and walking to John's dressing room.

"Hey John-" I stopped when I saw the scene that was happening in front of me. Aj and John were making out on the couch, I couldn't help it she just keeps ruining things for me, so I attacked her. I pulled her by her hair to get her of John then I speared her. She blamed me for our friend ship ending when she's the one who went complete psycho and ruined everything. With every punch that landed on AJ's face I felt a little better, but I was still angry. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me off AJ, I turned around and saw John. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get any words out I slapped him, a hard slap one he wouldn't forget. I grabbed my stuff and walked to the door, John was blocking my way.

"Get the hell out of my way." I said bull dozing my way passed him. I walked to The Shields locker room and knocked on the door, I hope they haven't left yet.

"Oh.... Kait what are you doing here, were about to leave and where is John?." Dean asked

"H-he.. he was k-kissing her." Was all I said, it was all I could say and I could feel the tears coming. I guess Dean saw cause he pulled me into a hug and brought me into the locker room.

"Oh my god Kait what happened?" Seth said walking to Dean and I.

"She saw John and AJ kissing. Is it okay with you if she stay with us tonight?" Dean asked

"Yeah sure I dont care if it's for tonight or for the rest of her life." Seth said hugging me. He let me go and I walked over to the couch and tried to calm down. I wasn't upset about John too much, it was Aj. It was just so easy for her to drop me, did our friendship really mean nothing to her? I didn't realize I was lost in thought until I felt someone presence on the couch next to me, then I felt arms wrap around me and put me onto their lap. I looked up to see Roman, he had the most beautiful grey eyes.

"You okay? Dean told me what happen, and if you ask me John just lost the greatest thing that ever happened to him."Roman said rubbing my back, I just nodded my head not wanting to speak.

"Okay guys we have to go." Dean said and I went to get off of Roman, but he grabbed my waist. I looked at him confusion written over my face.

"Rome you got her?" Seth asked grabbing Roman's bag, while Dean grabbed mines.

"Yeah I got her." Roman said picking my up bridal style. My arms moved on there own and wrapped around his neck. Roman carried me while he walked behind Seth and Dean, he put my in the truck and sat next to me while Dean drove and Seth sat in the passenger seat.
That's it for this chapter I hoped you guys enjoyed. I just recently posted a new Ambreings book along with the repeat of the sequel to my first book Are your the one, the book is call 'Are we in love.' Yeah so that all I have

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