Chapter 13

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I really tried to update all three of my stories yesterday since it was my Birthday but it didn't work, so I'm updating today I hope you guys like it.

Roman POV

"SETH!" I yelled, and he turned and looked at me with a confused look. I grabbed him and spun him around

"Dean said yes." I said putting him down

"Too?" He asked extending the let letter "o"

"To us all being in a relationship." I said looking at him oddly

"He did?" He asked looking baffled

"Yup so now I don't have to hurt anyone's feelings." I said

"Yeah so like is it effective immediately or what?" He said, I rolled my eyes while laughing and walked away with Seth following behind me. I walked into our locker room and sat next to Dean on the couch.

"Hey babe." I said and Dean looked at me

"Thank you for giving this a shot I know you don't like change and your not one to put your heart on the line, which is why I love you so much for this. Thank you honestly." I said and he just nodded

"Dean are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't know what to say." He says and I kissed his forehead.

Seth POV

"Yeah Dean Roman is right thank you, I never expected you too agree to this. Thanks it means a lot and now I see why Roman loves you so much and didn't want to give you up. Your amazing you do everything for the happiness of the people you care about before yourself, that's truly selfless. I'm just so happy I get to call you my boyfriend now." I say sitting next to him on the couch

"Awwww Seth that was so nice of you too say, now I'm glad I made the decision to let you join us. I'm sorry about before and being so selfish can we forget and start fresh." He asked

"Of course anything for you." I say, he laughed and put his head in my chest.

********Thirty minutes later********

"Crap." I say getting off the couch

"What?" Dean asked looking at me

"I have a meeting with Triple H and Stephanie like now so I gotta go." I said giving Roman and Dean a peck on the lips and left.

Dean POV

I heard the door close and looked at Roman

"And then there was two." I said, he smile and grabbed my face and pulling me in for a kiss. The door opened and I assumed it was Seth who forgot something, until I heard a high girly voice. When did Seth's voice get that high? I pulled away from Roman and looked at the door and there was Kaitlyn, crap just what we need. She was just standing there jaw dropped

"Y-y-you're gay?!?" She asked quite loudly

"We're bisexual yes, we like girls and guys." I said

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked sitting on the chair near us, I'm glad she did because she looked like she was going to faint.

"Must've slipped our minds, we were still figuring things out." Roman said

"Our?" She asked

"Yeah Seth, Roman, and I." I say

"Wait Seth's apart of this too?" She asked

"Yeah, and you can be too." Roman said winking at her

"Yeah I think I'll pass this time, maybe next time." She says standing up

"Well I just came to get my phone I left it and you know I'm gonna leave you two alone. I'll see you guys for Main Event and SmackDown." She says walking out of the room, I watched her leave and turned my attention to Roman.

"What the hell was that?" I asked

"Was what?" He asked

"You can join us too, wink wink." I said mocking him

"I was just joking Dean calm down it's not like I'm going anywhere."

"Yeah whatever, are you catching feeling for her it's okay I won't be mad I mean she's hot I can see why you'd like her." I say

"Well yeah I mean that's why i wanted her to join The Shield I wanted to get to know her better, originally I wanted both you and her. But Seth ended up loving me so I'm still letting her go." He said putting his head down. I softened my face and my voice

"Rommy why didn't you just tell me that I would've understood, we all love that one person it happens. I just want you to be able to talk to be and be open and tell me how your feeling. Okay?" I asked playing with his hair

"Yeah your right, if there's a next time I will definitely let you know." He said, I giggled and sat on his lap putting my head on his chest. Roman turned on the tv and we stayed like this until Seth came back and even then we didn't move.

Kaitlyn POV

I walked to John's room, from my encounter with The Shield. Can you believe this will be my life? What will my life be like living with The Shield? I asked myself as I walked into John's room and he was lost in the tv, whatever this show was, he was enjoying it. I sat on the couch and literally immediately got back up to go answer to the knock on the door. I opened the door and there stood CM Punk.

"What do you want?" I asked, leaning against the door.

"I just want to talk, please will you talk to me." He said, I'm so tired of being miserable I don't even want to argue with him anymore. I nodded my head and opened the door for him come in. He sat at the table on the chair across from me, staring at me.

"Talk." I said loosing patience for this already

"Kait I'm sorry I'm sorry for everything, I know I got caught up and let AJ have her way I should've fought for us. I never should've put myself in that situation, and now I'm learning just how much it hurts to have a person close to you hurt you. I'm sorry I will always be sorry for what I did. But I didn't come to beg you to take me back as a boyfriend, I came to ask and maybe even beg for my best friend back. I love you and I miss you everything is incomplete without you, I just need you." He said, and I could see the tears forming on his eyes.

"Punk I've never been one to hold a grudge for forever and I'm not planning on it. I'm willing to give our friendship another chance but we're a long way from being best friends again and I will never trust you the same as I did before." I say and he hugged me

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, I know it'll take a lot and our relationship might not be the same but just thank you for giving it a shot." He said

"Yeah it's no problem, but umm I'm actually going to go home with John in a few so I don't have time to keep hanging around and talking I'm sorry." I say standing up

"That's fine, wow I can't believe your giving this a shot thank you again." He said hugging me before I walked him to the door.


I watched as Punk walked out of John's dressing room, well she certainly knows her way around the locker room and they say I sleep my way to the top. Well I'll be damned if I let her take John and Punk away from me, if she keeps playing these games with me, she'll be lucky if she has any of them at all. I say talking and laughing to myself, just wait until I see Punk later tonight.
I'm gonna end it there it's sheets like a filler chapter, it really was sort of weak I'm sorry I'm really sleepy.

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