Chapter 9

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What happened to Punk I mean one minute he was lovey dovey and then he's insulting me, this is exactly the stuff that made us break up in the first place. I really need my best friend, let me call Kait. I called Kait and after one ring it went straight to voicemail, that's weird so I tried again and no answer still. What's going on, is she mad at me? Then that's when I remembered, the events yesterday played in my head, I guess I should apologize.

A- Hey Kaity I'm sorry about yesterday.
K- Aj don't Bullshit me with that fake apology.
A- Well sorry if I don't think that it was that bad
K- You literally stole Punk from me, we weren't even dating for a week and what makes its hypocritical is the fact that you talk about how guys just break you heart and cheat on you and well your just perfect, well you proved that be be a huge load of crap. I'm done with you April and as far as Phil you can tell him the same thing I'm done with him too. Oh and as Triple H and Shawn say you can suck it. (D-generation X)
I read the message shocked that this my best friend Celeste never talked to me like that, I guess she really was upset. Oh well she'll be back. I turned my head as I heard the room door open

"Hey Phil."

"Have you heard from Celeste?"
It took a minute too realize my eye was doing the twitching thing my character Aj does.

"What no hi April just have you heard from Celeste."


"Well she basically told me she hated me with saying she hates me."

"Oh well she'll probably talk to me."

"Doubt it." I didn't even finish my sentence, Phil started to call someone, who ever they were they didn't answer. I watched as he started to text anyway I can't believe him right now.

Punk POV

After Celeste didn't pick up I decided to text her.

P-Why won't you pick up the phone?

K- Phil I don't feel like arguing with you can you please leave me the hell alone don't text me, call me, think of me, or breathe next to me you chose April now have fun with her, you reap what you sow. You put your hands on me when you pushed me against that wall and actions have consequences, this is not one of our usually fight don't expect me to come back to you in a matter of hours, day, or weeks cause we're done. As of now our friendship no longer exists you are irrelevant to me the minute you hurt me this deep. Bye Phil.

P-Come on kait I know you still want me

K-Oh really me and John seem to be doing just fine with out you


K-Yes John. and to prove or she sent me a picture of them kissing, what the hell.

I honestly felt my heart break as I read this message over and over again i dont know what to say to think, I just hope she's lying I hope she putting on a front because I've never seen Celeste like this. I never knew she could go from 0 to 💯 that quick. I wish she'd just let me explain it was a mistake a terrible mistake and I never meant anything by it, I just want her back I want my best friend back, she was a part of me. I don't even know where to start to repair this, she won't even talk to me. All my thoughts where interrupted by Aj.

"So Phil do you want to explain to me what is going on, you insulted me yesterday."

"Yeah, I know and I meant it, As far as I'm concerned your the reason I lost my best friend and girlfriend. As a matter of fact why are you still here, you think cause you break me and Kait up that means you and me can be together, well that's where your wrong Aj you and me broke up for a reason. And that reason is I simply don't like you anymore." I looked her dead in her eyes as I said the whole thing, I finally let the weight of the world off my shoulders. She gasped as I finally admitted why I broke up with her, then she slapped me and grabbed all her stuff. Hey if it gets her out my house then I'm okay with her slapping me.

Kaitlyn POV

I was furious, I paced around John' living room area, how can she just text me like nothing happen. God sometimes I swear I hate her, actually I do hate her. I've be putting up with Aj's bull for quite sometime now and I'm over it, if she values our friendship and wants me back she's going to have to earn it. As for Phil i dont know if I want to be friends with him or not he's just so damn cocky and full of himself but then again that what I love about him. Ugh this is so frustrating I'm so confused, I picked up a vase with flowers and threw at the wall I watched it shatter. In the corner of my eye I saw John jump of the couch

"Hey what happened, what's going on?"

"April and Phil there messing with my mind."

"Wow this is really serious you called them by there names."

"Yeah, you think."

"Well I know what will keep your mind off of them."

"Oh really, what's that?"

"Going on a date with me tonight, I'll pick you up at 9:00."

"Umm okay."

"Alright now go get ready." He said basically shooing me away.

Dean POV

I woke up in Roman's arms, it felt right at home. I didn't want to wake Roman up so I snuggled to his chest and closed my eyes. My eyes shot open when I heard Seth yelling, I looked at the door and there was Seth. Seth just kept yelling after the third scream Roman finally woke up


"Seth stop yelling, Jesus." Roman said rubbing his eyes, he was adjusting himself so I got up but he pulled me back.

"Okay I'll stop yelling but explain to me what is going on."

"I already told you Seth I love Dean and Dean loves me and I'm not going to let you ruin us all these months I've been waiting for the day I can tell other guys not to touch him or just be able to kiss him when ever I want and now your trying to mess that up."

"But what about me what about my feelings, Roman I like you a lot and I'd be willing to share you with Dean and learn to love him, we could have a three way relationship."

"Okay Seth me and Dean will consider it we'll talk about it, but for now you should go and look for some one."

"But I don't want anyone else."

"Well as of now I'm not single." I looked at Roman with a confused look he just winked at me, whatever that means.

"Fine whatever, just let me know what you guys decide." Seth said leaving. I turned to Roman

"Not single?"

"I just said that to get him to leave us alone, but soon enough I'll have you."

"Yeah okay." We stayed in each other's on and started to watch tv, The Big Bang theory is on, who am I to not watch.

I'm proud two updates in one week, I'm getting back up there. But other news I'm considering deleting all my stories and starting over because the views have taken a huge decrease but i dont know tell me what you guys think.

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