Chapter 3

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Roman POV

I got to the hospital and ran with Dean to the front desk.

"We need a doctor I accidentally ran over him with my car!" I yelled. The nurses looked frighten at first then grabbed a wheelchair and I put Dean in it. I follow behind her until we get to some double doors and the nurse tells me that I cant go past. I walked to the waiting room and started pacing back in forth. What could they be doing to him that I can't see? Where the hell is Seth? Did I possibly just seriously injury or kill my best friend? My thought were interrupted by someone putting their arm around my shoulders.

"Who are you, get off me." I said only to turn around and see Seth.

"Rome chill it's just me." Seth said

"Oh sorry I'm just panicking over this Dean thing I mean what if I really hurt him? What if he can't wrestle?." I said sitting on a chair looking at the floor tears threatening to come out.

"Rome you've gotta think positive or your going to drive yourself insane, and if you did hurt Dean he'll forgive you and we all know nothing can stop Dean from wrestling even if it's against doctors orders." Seth said while sitting down in the chair next to me rubbing my back.

"Thanks man, you always know just what to say." We sat there in silence for only god knows how many hours, then a doctor came.

"Family of Dean Ambrose." I shot up from my chair.

"That me, that's us." I said correcting myself.

"Okay follow me." The doctor said, he didn't have to tell me twice I was basically stepping on the backs of his shoes as we walked to Dean's room.

"He's got a few broken ribs, he's ankle was broken in so many pieces but we have an excellent orthopedic surgeon who was able to repair it and she says it should take two months at the least to heal."

"Two months of Dean not wrestling, that's gonna be difficult." I said

"Well if he ever wants to wrestle again he has to listen to his physical therapist."

"Okay I'll make sure he listens."

"Good now he's sleeping but if you want you can go and see him." I walked into Deans room at first he looked horrible. His leg in a cast lifted above the bed, his head wrapped, and he's stomach wrapped. But his face, it was like the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I can't believe I'm the reason he's here. I'm the reason he's wrapped up and connected to all these machines and has a cast and can't wrestle for at least 2 months.

"Dean please don't hate me." Was all I could say the tears finally escaped, falling down my cheeks. The guilt was just eating me alive, I wanted to stay until he woke up but I can't. I can't watch him lay here helplessly, I'll have Seth call me when he wakes up then I'll come back. I grabbed my stuff and was going to kiss his forehead when it felt like something was just pulling me to his lips I couldn't resist, I kissed him. I kissed Dean Ambrose, what is going on? I turned and walked out of the door I'll call Seth in the car and tell him that I left , I ran to my car and hoped in. I called Seth and told him that I was leaving and to call me when Dean wakes up, then I sped of the the hotel I gotta process all of this.

Seth POV

I went to the cafeteria to get me and Rome some coffee and the give Rome sometime with Dean since I know he feels awful. When I got to Dean's room I saw Roman grab his stuff and kiss Dean, I couldn't believe it I dropped both cups of coffee. I hid behind the door and Roman walked right past me. I walked into Dean's room he looked pretty beat up, but I don't care no one is taking Roman from me, Roman is mine whether he knows it or not.

"Dean I know your unconscious and probably can't hear me but Roman is mine, I let your little crazy ass be his friend but don't get and ideas cause if you steal him from me I will end you permanently." I was going to leave the room, when roman called me.

"Yes Rome."

"I needed to go back to my hotel room so I'm leaving the hospital but call me when Dean wakes up." And with that he hung up on me. Well I guess I'm staying with the lunatic after all. I sat down in the chair next to him and just glared at him.

Dean POV

I woke up, I guess the medication wore off, I was about to open my eyes when I heard someone walk into the room. I was going to open my eyes but I decided to listen to what they had to say. It was silent for a little while then I heard someone say "Dean don't hate me." and I knew it was Roman. There was a little more silence but what took me by surprise was the kiss, Roman Reigns kissed me. I went to open my eyes but I heard he's footsteps then they disappeared and I knew he left. I tried to go to sleep when another pair of foot steps approached me. I really wonder who this is, I soon got my answer as I was threaten by him. It was no one other then my supposedly best friend and brother Seth Rollins. I couldn't believe half the things he said, he called Roman his and said he let Roman be my friend. Like what the hell does Roman even know about Seth's crush. Soon Seth phone rang and it was Roman, I know cause he called the guy Rome. I listen to their conversation, and came to the conclusion that I was stuck with this two toned bitch, I mean where does he get off in calling me a lunatic. I felt him glaring at me, so I opened my eyes. I looked Seth dead in the eye and he smiled as if nothing's changed. Oh things have changed and this was now a war.

Seth POV

Dean opened his eyes so I left the room and told him I had to call Roman, I mean I was going to call Roman I just have to call someone else first.

Mystery POV

Seth called so I picked up he never calls unless it's an energency.

"What's up, what do you need Seth?"

"I just caught Roman kissing Dean."

"Okay and?"

"Roman is mine, his little thing for Dean has got to go."

"Okay what's your plan."

"Just spread the word about the WWE's newest gay couple and well talk about the rest later."

"Okay bye."

"Bye." And with that he hung up on me, lord what am I getting myself into.


Ohhhh some Ambreigns ❤️I love it. Well that's it for chapter three I hope you all like it I'll be back to Kaitlyn's POV and some Aj next chapter. Thanks for reading.

Read, comment, and vote. Love you guys. Fiona💜❤️💜❤️

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