Chapter 7

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Cm Punk POV

I stood there a little stunned at the fact AJ kissed me and called me in her boyfriend. What do i do? Do i kick AJ out and tell Kait? No that would just ruin me and Kait's relationship, besides she doesn't even have to know. Plus telling Kaitlyn would just ruin this moment for me and AJ to be together again. I gather my emotions and walked into the room that AJ was in, she was watching tv. I closed to door and sat on the bed next to her and stared at her, she was truly gorgeous. A commercial came on and she turned and gave me a beautiful smile. I leaned in 90% of the way and waited for her to come the rest of the 10%. As our lips conected i relized i couldnt do this i couldnt kiss her no matter how much i wanted to, i love and respect Kaitlyn too much for that. I pulled away

"AJ i think you should leave." I said with my head down looking into my lap

"Why Punky? I thought you loved me."

"I do love you AJ but i'm with Kaitlyn now, so were just going to have to get over each other."

"Screw Kaitlyn i want you." And with that she jumped on me attacking with kisses that soon turned into a make out session. How can something that i know is so wrong deep down feel so good? I heard my room door open and i tried to get AJ off of me but she wouldn't budge. Soon there was a knock on the door, then the room door flew open. AJ let me go and turned around and gasped, i turned and my eyes widen, my jaw dropped and i was at a lost for words. Nothing i say right now can justify what I did, i guess ill just wait for the consequences.

Kaitlyn POV

It's been about an hour since John left and there was nothing to watch, i was disapointed becuse i really hoped The Sipmsons were on. I was bored out of my mind, so i grabbed my keys and decided to go to Punk's hotel room. I was about 5 feet away from the elevator when I saw the elevator doors were about to close, I ran to the elevator and slid in between the closing doors. I pressed floor 2 and waited. I felt a presence in the elevator, I turned and saw Seth Rollins texting.

"Hey two tones." I yell.

"Oh hey Kait." He says looking up from his phone.

"How's your day going?"

"It's been okay, how is yours going?"

"Actually its been a good day for me." I smiled. The elesvator dinged and the doors opened, me and Seth walked out side by side.

"So I hear you've been offered an oppertunity to be part of The Shield." He said

"Yeah." was all I said

"Are you going to say yes?"

"Probably, I dont know."

"You should It'll be nice to have you on our team."

"Yeah I'll think about it, but I gotta go." I say hugging him. I was about to knock on the door, when I noticed it was slightly open. I opened the door and there was no one there. I was going to leave, until I heard the tv on inside of the bedroom. I walk to the bedrom door and hear moaning before I could even process what was going on I kicked the door, making it slam into the wall. There on the bed was Punk sucking faces with AJ. Right there in front of me was my boyfriend making out with my bestfriend. Punk and AJ were the two people I trusted my life with and this is what they do to me. Really? Is this how you show someone you love them? I couldn't stand to look at them. I really wanted to punch AJ but I knew she wasnt worth it she isnt worth my time or effort, but when I get myself together she and Punk will regret this day. I stood there broken, forcing the words out of my mouth, trying not to cry.

"Punk you are a disgusting human being, it hasnt even been a full day yet and this is what your doing your disgustin. I cant even look at you I dont even know why the hell I considered you my best friends, your not worth it neither of you are worth my time. Oh and AJ trust me I did not forget about you, you are nothing but a slimey, pathetic, psychopathic bitch and your a sult cant believe I called you my best friend, both of you can rot in hell." I yelled, there were so many diffrent emotion going on through my head. I turned on my heel and walked away leaving a shocked Punk and distraught AJ. As i was walking down the hall I heard footsteps following behind me, I knew it was either Punk or AJ. I kept walknig not even acknowledging that they were there. I felt someone grab my wrist and spin me around, it was Punk.

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