Chapter 6

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Rouge's POV

Oh that's good I can't find them anywhere, where the hell them could be? I'm not live with them so if there's somewhere only they knew and they are there then I can't find them forever. I guess there is only one place I know I haven't check but I don't really think they are there. But on the other hand maybe they are because they are villain now so... I should just check myself.

I flied to where used to Doctor's base and there haven't changed anything outside since doctor's gone, I flied upon the base because there are glasses that can see the inside without got noticed.

"I don't really think... wait why is the light turning on?" I stopped on the roof and look inside through the glasses, I can't believed it they're actually here! And they looks like talking about something but I can't heard them because the glasses have sound proofing but I can tell they are happy with each other which mean Tails has already sided with Sonic.

"Like I said I-!!"

!!!! That was close!! why is he suddenly look up? did he noticed me? but that can't be possible! I don't remembered he was that sensitive.

"What's wrong Sonic?"

"Hm... nothing maybe I just overthinking."

"Are you saying that someone is spying on us?"

"Yeah and if it is one of our friend then I know who is it."

"Rouge right? maybe I should go and check out."

"Maybe not, she might noticed you and run away. Besides she can't hear our conversation from out side, this place has well sound proofing."

"If you say so."

Oh great he sat back! That was a released but I think I need to go back and tell them about this.

Shadow's POV

"Done! Here you are."

"You really good at this, Rose."

"Why thank you Shadow, I just like to cooking and baking. And why don't you take the cookies Knuckles?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Come on I made it for everyone~"

While Rose convincing knucklehead I heard some step sound come from outside the door and I know who is it. The door opened and Rouge walked in and closed the door.

"Rouge! You're back! Come and taste some cookies, I just made it."

"Maybe later, I have something to say."

"Let me guess you found where they are, didn't you?" It too obvious on her face.

"Yeah and guess where? Is doctor's base."

"What?! They were there all the time?!" How stupid I never think about it!

"Yeah but I can't heard what they talking about and I was so close to get caught, I don't know Blue has some sensitive."

"No you're not wrong, he wasn't have. Maybe turned to a villain make him learned that."

"Since you were with him more than me then I guess you're right."

"What about Tails? Did Sonic really kidnapped him?"

"No and I'm afraid that Tails is supported Blue now."

Just as what I thought, that blue hedgehog must done something to him. Now Rouge is here I guess we can start discuss the plan.

"Listen to me, Rouge after you left we discussed some plan and the only one that seem to be the best is we go get Tails and bring him back here then ask him about what they planed."

"That's not a bad idea but how do we do that? He always acting with blue."

"So we have to distract them and separate them."

"And how exactly you going to do?"




Sonic's POV

"How is that feel, huh? You think it's funny to make fun on someone? Well I agree. *smirks*

"Why are you doing this... aren't you a hero...?"

"What? I'm a hero? don't you just think I'm you're tool to fix your own problem?"

"I... I..."

"Don't try to apologize because I won't accept it, I already made my mind, this is the start and the people who just like you will got what they deserve. This is my revenge."

"P-please don't kill me!! I'm begging you!!"

"Don't worry I won't kill you, I still what I am but not a hero anymore. You still need to get what you deserve, and this will keep in your mind forever."

I chuckles to him that kneed on the ground then I kicked him on his stomach and he wrapped his stomach lying down in pain, that really make me satisfied. I never know making someone suffer will be so happy, I guess I'll enjoy the plan. It's pretty late so I decided to give him the last one, I raised my power then spin dash him that turned out flied him far away. I ran to his side and look at him, he looks like unconscious after that and I smile at what I just done.

"That what you get for messed up with us!"

I'm back to my base and saw Tails is sitting on the couch watching TV but he yawned tiredly so I decides we should go sleep now.

"You are tired right? why didn't you go to bed?"

"Oh Sonic you're back, I just waiting you to check that you're okay. So how about it?"

"I feel so good after that! I'm sure I will enjoy when the plan started!"

"I'm glad you're happy. We should go to bed now, it's already 1 a.m."

"Yeah, we got things to do so we need to rest now."

I was going to go to my room then Tails suddenly holding my hand then I turned my head look at him confused.

"What's wrong buddy?"

"C-can I sleep with you tonight?"

I don't know why but when I saw him like this my heart skip a bit and I can feel my cheek is a little red.

"S-sure, I don't see why not. We haven't spend time together like that so that a good idea."

"Really? Thank you Sonic!" He hugged me happily.

"No problem, come on let go to my room."


Tails' POV

I'm so glad Sonic actually accepted my suggestion, sure we have share times like this before but now something has change with me. I think I'm somehow begin to like Sonic more then best friend but I don't know how to tell him about that, and I don't know what he gonna do while I tell him. But now I'm going to enjoy the time only me and him together.

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