Chapter 10

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"Hey hun I done washing, how are you doing?"

"Making some food, they must be hungry for haven't eat anything a whole day."

Why is my heart can't stop hurting when I remembered their wound and face? They looks so sad when they laughed... and why is this thing happened to be them? *sigh* At this moment I can't tell I don't concern them anymore, instead I want to know everything about them. What happened before we met, what they thinking every moments we gathered up...

"-dow SHADOW!! It's burned!! You're food in burned!!"

"Wha-what?! Oh chaos!" I turned off the fire and throw away the burned down food and making new one.

"This isn't like you, are you thinking something? is that about the boys?"

"Yeah... I can't stop thinking of them..."

"Guess you're a better leader than Blue in team."

"I don't think so, he really good at that and I'm just doing things in rough way."

"But I don't think that true, just see how you're doing right now? you take care of them and you cry for almost losing someone, you do have a soft heart inside you that you just released it now."

Is that so? guess people really change when something happened.

"Hey guys I'm back, this is what you've told me to buy Shadow."

"What took you so long? you almost spent 3 hours."

"Sorry but I have to go to another city to find the shop and there are so many people lined, and it's took time to wait."

"Alright but I think they don't need this right now, they need rest."

"Hey guys? good evening or should I say good morning!"

I widen my eyes and look at the familiar voice come from.

"Rose! You're awake! but shouldn't you still in bed since you're injured?"

"Well I'm fine now, thanks for take care of me!"

"It's nothing, your safe is the most."

"Wow since when did you get this kind, Shadow?"

"I just don't show it easily but doesn't mean I can't be, and you just made in time for dinner still it's too late for it."

"Nah it's fine, I'm hungry too, thanks Shadow."

"Rouge can you go and call that two to eat?"


After a few minutes Rouge came back but her face full of confused.

"They didn't answer my call. I wonder if they are sleeping."

"Maybe then let then be, they really need it."

"What are you talking about? There's someone else in the house?"

"Sonic and Tails are here but they were injured a lot than you so they need more rest."

"What happened with them?"

"Long story, just let them be, I'll explain to you other time."

"Okay, I hope they get well."

We ate our food and Sonic and Talis seems not awake yet since they were not coming out, so we decided to do out own things and go to bed.



Sonic's POV

"Hey Tails, you ready?" I called him that is fake sleeping.

"Yeah but are you sure they won't say anything?"

"They will and we can't do anything about it, I know this is not the best idea but we can't continue like this."

"I feel so sorry for them but I guess we have no choice, right?"

"Yeah, but before we start, wanna have some chat? just me and you, talk about two of ours time."

"Of course, I've love to."

Me and Tails having out chatting with everything that happened to us before. Include how do I met him, the tornado's history, fighting Eggman and metal Sonic, met Shadow and Rouge, traveled the world, finding the chaos emeralds, sometimes have a little fight with each others, enjoying chili dogs together, saved wisp and their planet, met our classic self. And now, living together like brother, become a villain, revenged who bullied us, become lovers, turned into dark form, kill the mayor in our own hands, through lots of pain and got saved from Shadow. That is really lot of things have been through, but I guess it's our time to have our own travel without anyone. I don't really want this but we have to... *sobs* this is how we can fix this... and it is the only way for everyone's sake... I hugging Tails who was hugging me when I start sobbing, and he is too. It's time to end this nightmare for everyone, even our friends. I take the paper and the pen then begin to write, same with Tails we write on the same paper.



Shadow's POV

I woke up oddly early because there's something I don't feel right, the guess room is beside mine but it's really weird that there have no sound comes out. I go and knocked the door but no one answer, I don't want to wake the others so I opened it quietly. I can't believed it that they are gone! There's no one in the room and the only thing on the bed is two flowers that one is blue and one is yellow and a paper filled with wrote. I picked it up and start to read it...

"Hey Shadow, I know you are the one how saw this first because you're the most who concerned us. Me and Tails all have decided that we will leave you guys because what we've done,"

Wait what?

"We know this isn't the best idea but is the only way be can fix our mistake, I hope you guys can understand. And we have something to say. First if from me, Sonic, Shadow I didn't really know you when we first met, I thought we will never going to get along but after knowing more of you I realized that you have a great side even you didn't show it obviously, and Rouge is right you really are a great leader of the team so I decided to let you be the leader now."

I feel my nose begin to sore.

"Then here is from Tails. Shadow, for me you are not a very nice guy in the beginning but you were really change a lot after times passed. I know you actually saved me several times and I'm really appreciated that, and you even not bothered by me and Sonic's relationship that I need to thank you for concerning us so much. I wish I can have a lovely chat with you but it's seem no chance now. Last things we wanna say is we really happy to have a friend like you, and of course Amy, Knuckles and Rouge too. We knew that Amy is still alive so please take care of her for us, if she know that we are gone then she must be really angry and sad but please promise us that you guys will give her another life with happiness, she deserve it. Thanks for all of your help and company, this is been the best life we have."

No... please no!...

"Good bye Shadow, good bye guys."



"We love you."


"And Shadow"


"Thank you, for saving us."


I'm sure most of you must noticed that I added a little Sontails in it but not much so I didn't tag it, sorry for those who feel a little uncomfortable. I hope you like the story and I'll start to think about a new one, but even the summer vacations is coming I still have some part time job to do so maybe will update slowly. But I promise I'll update as soon as I have time to do. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the votes!(Especially @CannenGaona thank you so much❤️) Love you guys ❤️❤️

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