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Author's Note: So we're finally starting the last book in the Twins series. :D Though we do plan to do some one shots throughout time in the same universe. 

The plot of this one isn't based off anything like the previous books were, and I've never seen a Twins fic that takes the direction this does. Looking back, there's a lot of things we wished we'd done differently, but we're still happy with how the ending went.

As a warning from the beginning, I don't know if anyone else is going to like what happens, but I can't say why because spoilers. But still, I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the Twins journey as much we did. ^-^

~ Tirana Sorki

PS. Updates will continue to be weekly on Friday. :)

~ Amina Gila

Qui-Gon Jinn

It's been so many years since I worked alongside my master. After what happened with the war, I never believed I would again, but here we are, side-by-side again. Except every moment, I can only think about the overwhelming darkness in the Force, and how Anakin and Aniya are gone.

Obi-Wan is gone, too, hiding somewhere on the far side of the galaxy. I don't know where, and it's safer that way, but I'm far more worried for the twins.

Sidious and Plagueis won. It still leaves me feeling numb most of the time, after I worked so hard over the past months to try and stop it, but it still happened. Whyever the reason, this is the will of the Force, and I can only trust that, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried for the twins. They're Fallen, and who knows what Sidious is doing to them or teaching them or anything?

But if nothing else, I can at least try to keep an eye on what's happening.

"What do you want us to report on?" Jango Fett asks, helmet under his arm as he eyes me.

I still remember when we first met on Kamino, and I doubt he's forgotten that either. He was in prison for years because of me, but... this is business. He's quite aware of that, and I know he'll stick to a code of honor more than most other bounty hunters.

"Anything you can see about them, without giving them the impression that they're being observed," I reply, looking at the hologram on the table of Anakin and Aniya.

At least if Jango is watching them, I'll know what they're up to, and what the Sith are doing to them. And maybe, somehow, I can find a way to get them back. In the meantime, I need to keep my focus on the galaxy.

"Don't Jedi sense things like that?" Boba objects, approaching.

I nod. "Yes. It is likely they will suspect something, but if you stay out of sight, they won't have any concrete evidence of it."

"Is that all?" Jango inquires.

I pause a moment, considering, before picking up another hologram, holding it out to them. "There has been little public information on Hugo Damask recently, but if you can find out about his whereabouts and current activities... through looking deeper, I would like to know. But he will be even riskier to observe than the twins."

"Why?" the other boy, a little shorter than Boba, asks. Din, I remember his name was. He's not a clone like Boba, but Jango seems to have adopted Din as a son anyway.

"He's a Sith. Rumored to be the most powerful Force user," I tell them.

Jango looks between Boba and Din, for a moment, where they stand together. "We'll handle it," he replies, firmly.

Of course, they know they'll be paid as much as they ask for. Dooku got as much of his wealth from his Serenno castle out and escaped, barely in time before the Empire showed up and bombarded the city. We were already gone when it happened, but that makes it no less awful that they would do that.

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