Chapter 20 - Home Is Where the Heart Is

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Author's Note: All things must end. :') There's a bonus chapter and an epilogue, and that's it! This is the last real chapter in this series. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Ahsoka Tano

We've finally moved out of the bunker, and gone to the Lake House on Naboo, owned by Padme's family. It's beautiful here, and it reminds me of the times during the war when we came to stop more fighting – I'm glad we're finally here for a reason other than that.

"I've been thinking about stopping by on Onderon," I comment, to the twins and Alema. We're sitting on the porch outside together, finally with a moment to just be. Though honestly, for all that I'm tired of fighting it almost feels too quiet here. It'll take getting used to.

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and now that things are finally starting to settle down everywhere, maybe there's a chance I can go back. I know Lux is worried about me, and there's no way he's heard any word of what's happened. I'll stick around my family at least a little longer for now, but then I want to go see him again.

"That's where you were... hiding, right?" Aniya asks.

I nod. "Yes, it was. It didn't last long, though. I used the Force in public, and the Empire came for me right after."

"Were you in contact with the Gerreras there?" Anakin asks, "I know the Empire was... going after them." It's still jarring to think that technically he would've been fighting against them too, even if not personally.

"Briefly," I reply, "I wanted to stay away from them so I didn't attract the Empire's attention, but that didn't work out well. I barely had time to say goodbye to Lux before leaving. I'd like to see him again."

Alema eyes me, a certain knowing look in her eyes. I know how things are with her and Jinx, even if she hasn't told me, and that's... I want that with Lux, too, even if I don't really know what it means.

From the glance the twins share, I'm pretty sure they know the same thing.

"You can go, whenever you are ready," Anakin tells me, "We'll still be here when you come back."

"I know," I reply, pausing to just consider everything for a few moments. "I don't know what to do now. I don't want to rejoin the Order, but I..." I can live here for a while, but not with literally nothing to do. The five children don't need that much care.

The Jedi Order did reform, although for now, Obi-Wan prefers to stay on Naboo, though he's going back and forth a lot to help, as expected. But I don't feel it's my place anymore, not if Anakin and Aniya won't rejoin.

"You have time to figure it out. I think we're all still figuring that out," Aniya points out.

"I'll help free Ryloth," Alema says, "After that, I don't know. But Jinx and I were... talking."

"I knew it," Aniya smirks.

"Was it that apparent?" Alema asks.

"I noticed what was between you long before, when you were both still Jedi. Not that it mattered then."

"I've thought about the same for Lux," I admit, "But I don't know if I'm ready for that. Or if he is. I don't really know how these things work."

"You can still figure it out," Aniya reminds, "If he really cares about you, he'll be fine with waiting for however long it takes for you to accept it and work it out."

"I'm more afraid of myself rushing it then him, but... thank you, anyway. For everything."

Aniya smiles, squeezing my shoulder. "Of course. That's what sisters do."

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