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Author's Note: So we've finally reached the end of the series. :D This was one of my first fanfics so I'm both happy and a little sad that it's over, but hopefully you enjoyed the journey as much as we did. :D 

~ Tirana Sorki

PS. Go check out The Rules of Skywalker, a not-one-shot in the one-shot collection for this universe if you want to see more about what the future will be like with the Skywalker family. ;)

~ Amina Gila

Obi-Wan Kenobi

"It has been a long time," Satine comments. It's the first time I've been on Mandalore since I fled along with Padme and Jaufre, when the Empire had somehow caught traces of our whereabouts.

There wasn't a reason to come back, until now. Mandalore is forming a trade agreement with the New Republic, and I was sent by the new Jedi Order to smooth over a few things, especially given that Bo-Katan is still ruling the planet. And I will admit she is a far more frustrating ruler, most of the time.

The New Republic is far smaller than the Republic used to be, and it's coexisting with several... Empires, but at least it's something.

"It has been," I agree, neutrally.

"I am pleased to see the Republic is rebuilding, and respecting Mandalore's rights more this time," she adds.

I make a noncommittal noise. "The galaxy has changed a lot. I cannot say it is all for the better."

"There are disadvantages to every change," Satine replies, as we move through the gardens, a distance away from the palace. She still stays around here, even though she's not the Duchess anymore. She pauses finally, turning to face me. "Even here."

"Being unarmed in these times would be unwise," I tell her, bluntly. Yes, we do seem to argue about this every time we speak. But seriously, the galaxy may be a little more stable right now, but it's still far from recovered from the Clone Wars.

Satine huffs out a breath. "I am quite aware of your opinion, Obi-Wan. But I did not call you here only to speak of politics."

"What else?" I query, eyeing her. I don't feel towards her at all the way I did so many years ago, but we're... still friends on some level.

"I am glad to see that the Order is growing again," she says, "I know these years have been... hard for everyone."

"It has been... trying," I agree, "But it is in the past now."

"Yes," she muses, "I suppose all we can do is rebuild now."

Continuing to blame the twins for what happened is pointless, really. I can't say I've forgotten, but I don't let myself dwell on it much, because it will change nothing now. They're far lighter and more balanced than they ever were in the past, and that's the most I can ask for now.

"You're welcome on Mandalore whenever you are in the area," she tells me finally, and I nod.

"I will see you later then."

"Heading back to Naboo?"

"After I deliver my report to the Council, yes."

I'm not on the Council now – I can still help the Order a lot without being on it, and I know now that I was... quite unbalanced after what had happened, when everything fell. Given everything about that, I didn't want to be involved in leading the Order, and besides, that would guarantee I'd have no time around the twins. It's been long enough since I was last on Naboo, and I am... looking forward to returning.

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