Chapter 9 - Home

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Alema Syndulla

It must've taken at least an hour to get to the surface. I have no idea. All I know is that I'm thoroughly exhausted when I finally reach the top, my head popping up above the water.

The containers are already there. AZI is rapidly losing power, but we thankfully made it before he could go completely dead. I was starting to get worried – it would be extremely inconvenient for me to carry him and try swimming up when I'm already exhausted.

Echo and Fives help me into their container – yes, it's very crowded in here, but I'd rather squeeze in with them than the others if I have a choice. And from here, at least, getting to the Marauder is... easier. It's better than it could be, and we don't talk until we reach the landing platform, by which point the sun is already rising. We're all too worn out to talk. None of us have rested since before Daro.

Omega approaches the edge of the platform, staring at the smoking remains of the city on the horizon. "It's all gone," she breathes. She sounds so... lost. Briefly, I remember the gut-wrenching feeling of when I saw the Temple burning.

"That's what the Empire does," I reply quietly. The words do nothing, really, but nothing anyone says would be enough to soothe anyone. Across the sea is the smoking, still burning remains of the only real home the clones have ever known. "Destroy. It's everything we were fighting against. Then..." I trail off, sighing, "Then I found it was for nothing. That the Sith made it happen, that they made the war happen to seize power."

"Well, if it weren't for the war, we wouldn't exist," Fives points out.

"Yeah," I agree quietly, looking away, "It wasn't all bad." It was the only time I was happy.

"I never had time to say before, but thank you for coming to find me," Hunter says finally, breaking the silence, turning to face me.

"It's nothing," I mutter, struggling to hold his gaze. Force, I haven't had a problem with this since I was thirteen. "I just wish I could help... others." I could've stopped this. I don't dare voice that thought.

"Thanks for coming back for us, too," Wrecker adds.

To that, I just nod.

The silence settled over everyone else is... almost awkward. I know it isn't normal, but so much happened, I know why they have a hard time talking to one another now.

"This never had to happen," Crosshair says finally, turning to Hunter, who bristles instantly, even if I don't think it was meant antagonistically. It sure sounds like it, though, but he doesn't... feel angry in the Force. Hurt, betrayed, confused, scared, and broken, yes, but not really angry. But that's how clones cover their emotions – with anger, because soldiers aren't supposed to have emotions.

"I'm sorry," Hunter says finally, after a painfully long moment of silence, "For leaving you behind. It... all happened so fast."

His eyes drift past Hunter to where Wrecker is standing, and then, they both look away. It's just like Hunter and Tech, I realize, heart twisting painfully. They're close in a way they can never be with the others anymore because of what they went through together. "What about Wrecker?" he asks finally. "What happened to him?"

"His chip activated later," Echo answers quietly. "We knew it would happen, and we were trying to get it out, but..." Silently, I can only be grateful that Wrecker never gave away their location to the Empire. It's quite impressive he didn't. I guess it's... really proof of how hard he was trying.

I can't imagine what it would be like to be controlled. Ahsoka knew. She would know what to do and say. She always would, but she's not here. I should've taken her with me to Ryloth, but... "We were all tools for something bigger," I find myself saying finally. Aniya, I think, would've explained everything to them, start to finish. I can't bring her back, but at least I can honor her memory and what she was when we're away. Or at least... who I thought she was. "That doesn't make us weak. The Sith had the clones made to fight in the war they orchestrated. You were meant to be their army in the end, but that doesn't mean you can't choose to fight them, to restore peace to the galaxy."

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