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[Setting: A lavish courtyard within the walls of Uruk. Gilgamesh stands with an air of regality, surrounded by his entourage. Ink approaches, holding his paintbrush and a wide grin on his face.]

Ink: (excitedly) Oh, what a fine day to meet new people! Hello there, good sir! I'm Ink, the master of artistic mischief!

[Gilgamesh eyes Ink with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.]

Gilgamesh: (arrogantly) I have no time for the likes of you, commoner. Be gone before you soil my presence with your foolishness.

Ink: (unaware) Oh, no need to be so grumpy! I just wanted to introduce myself, and... uh-oh!

[Ink accidentally splatters a blob of black ink onto Gilgamesh's pristine robes.]

Gilgamesh: (furious) What insolence is this?! You dare besmirch my regal attire?

Ink: (stammering) W-wait, it was an accident! I... I didn't mean to... uh... introduce myself with ink!

[Gilgamesh's anger intensifies, and he draws his mighty weapons.]

Gilgamesh: Prepare to face the wrath of the King of Heroes, you wretched fool!

[Ink frantically attempts to dodge the onslaught of godly weapons, his agility and quick reflexes allowing him to narrowly avoid them.]

Ink: (dodging) W-wait, please! I just want to explain! I'm not here to cause trouble!

[Gilgamesh continues his relentless assault, unaware of Ink's attempts to communicate. Ink's body becomes bruised and battered from the near-misses.]

Ink: (panting) I... I just wanted to say... sorry! It was an accident! I didn't mean to anger you!

[Gilgamesh pauses momentarily, his weapons held mid-air. Ink takes this opportunity to continue his explanation.]

Ink: You see, I'm just a hapless artist, spreading joy and laughter wherever I go. I didn't realize who you were, and... well... things got messy.

[Gilgamesh's expression shifts from rage to a mix of confusion and annoyance.]

Gilgamesh: (grumbling) A mere artist causing such chaos... You truly are a nuisance.

Ink: (sheepishly) I'm really sorry. I'll clean up the mess and make it up to you somehow. Just give me a chance to prove that I'm not as clueless as I appear.

[Gilgamesh reluctantly lowers his weapons, his anger dissipating slightly.]

Gilgamesh: Very well, you foolish artist. Clean up this mess and ensure that it never happens again. Consider yourself fortunate that I am feeling somewhat merciful today.

[Ink breathes a sigh of relief, his body still showing the marks of Gilgamesh's wrath.]

Ink: Thank you, oh mighty King of Heroes! You won't regret giving me a chance. I'll make it up to you, I promise!

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