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[Setting: The opulent halls of Gilgamesh's palace. Ink, Gilgamesh, and Enkidu are gathered together, attempting to have a casual hangout.]

Ink: (excitedly) Ah, it's great to be in the company of such esteemed individuals! So, what do people usually do during a hangout?

Gilgamesh: (smirking) In the presence of the King of Heroes, one should bask in my unparalleled glory and revel in my divine stories.

Enkidu: (rolling his eyes) Don't listen to him, Ink. We can do whatever we please. Let's just relax and have some fun.

Ink: (nodding) That sounds good to me! So, what's the plan, gentlemen?

Gilgamesh: I am the plan. I shall regale you with tales of my heroic conquests and unmatched achievements.

Ink: (pausing) Uh, how about we mix it up a bit? Maybe we can play a game?

Enkidu: (smiling) I like the sound of that. What kind of game, Ink?

Ink: (thinking) How about a drawing game? We each take turns drawing something, and then we have to guess what it is.

Gilgamesh: (scoffing) Drawing? That's a child's pastime. But I suppose I can humor you for a while.

[Ink quickly retrieves some parchment and writing utensils, passing them to Gilgamesh and Enkidu.]

Ink: Alright, let's get started! Remember, no divine intervention allowed.

[The trio begins drawing, each with their own unique style. Ink's drawings are playful and filled with whimsy, while Gilgamesh's are elaborate and grandiose. Enkidu's drawings are more simplistic and natural.]

Ink: (holding up his drawing) Ta-da! Can you guess what it is?

Gilgamesh: (studying the drawing) Hmph! It appears to be some sort of... shapeless blob?

Ink: (laughing) Close, but it's actually a cloud! A fluffy, happy cloud!

Enkidu: (holding up his drawing) Alright, how about this one?

Gilgamesh: (squinting) Is it... a stick figure?

Enkidu: (grinning) You got it! It's a stick figure, representing the simplicity and beauty of life.

Gilgamesh: (grumbling) This is beneath me, but I suppose it is somewhat entertaining.

Ink: (cheerfully) See? We're having fun! Let's keep going!

[As the game continues, the three engage in laughter and friendly banter. Gilgamesh's competitive nature begins to soften, and even he finds himself enjoying the lightheartedness of the moment.]

Ink: (smiling) I'm glad we could hang out like this. It's not every day you get to draw with the King of Heroes.

Gilgamesh: (grudgingly) Perhaps... this "hangout" of yours isn't as unbearable as I initially thought.

Enkidu: (chuckling) Ink has a way of bringing out the fun in even the most serious of situations.

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