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[Setting: Ishtar stands before Ink, her eyes blazing with anger and arrogance.]

Ishtar: How dare you meddle in my affairs, you insignificant creature! I am the goddess of love and war, and you will show me the respect I deserve!

Ink: (scratching his head) Oh, hey there, Ishtar! Didn't see you there. Respect, huh? Well, I guess that's a pretty big word for someone who can't handle rejection.

[Gilgamesh and Enkidu exchange uneasy glances, stifling their laughter.]

Ishtar: (fuming) How dare you insult me! I could smite you where you stand!

Ink: (innocently) Smite me? Oh, please, Ishtar. Your threats are about as empty as your promises of everlasting love.

[Gilgamesh and Enkidu burst into laughter, attempting to hide their amusement behind their hands.]

Ishtar: (through gritted teeth) You will pay for your insolence, Ink! I will make you regret ever crossing me!

Ink: (nonchalantly) Regret? Oh, Ishtar, don't flatter yourself. The only thing I regret is not having a bigger canvas to capture your ego on.

[Gilgamesh and Enkidu struggle to contain their laughter, their faces turning red with suppressed mirth.]

Ishtar: (angrily) You will pay for this, Ink! Mark my words!

Ink: (smirking) Oh, I'll mark your words, Ishtar, right next to the other empty promises in my ink-stained notebook.

[Gilgamesh and Enkidu can no longer hold back their laughter, bursting into uncontrollable fits of giggles.]

Ishtar: (storming off) This isn't over, Ink! I will have my revenge!

Ink: (waving goodbye) Sure thing, Ishtar! Looking forward to it. Maybe next time bring a better comeback, will ya?

[Gilgamesh and Enkidu continue to laugh, struggling to catch their breath, while Ink remains blissfully unaware of the roasting he unintentionally delivered to Ishtar.]

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