Ink really needs to shut up

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BB: Whispering to Ink

Ink: Hmmmmmmmm.....

BB: Come on...

Ink: Alright!

Ink: Prepare yourselves, Servants, for the brutal truth about your flaws!

Artoria: Emotionally distant!

EMIYA: Perfectionist to a fault!

Gilgamesh: Arrogant tyrant!

Mash: Naive shield!

Merlin: Annoying prankster!

Nursery Rhyme: Childish enigma!

Cu Chulainn: Arrogant show-off!

Cu Chulainn Alter: Brooding berserker!

Iskandar: Glory-obsessed fool!

Nero Claudius: Self-obsessed diva!

Jeanne d'Arc: Blindly devoted saint!

Jeanne d'Arc Alter: Angsty rebel without a cause!

Heracles: Mindless brute!

Tamamo-no-Mae: Attention-seeking seductresses!

Medusa: Insecure wallflower!

Medusa (Rider): Vain beach babe!

Medusa (Lancer): Stoic loner!

Saber Alter: Fat Emo!

Scathach: Cold-hearted recluse!

Ritsuka Fujimaru: Ordinary nobody!

As Ink finishes his scathing remarks, there is a tense silence in the room. The servants now stand tall with a dark gaze on their faces. Ink suddenly feels a chill run down his spine, and he turns to BB, his expression filled with apprehension.

Ink: They are right behind me, aren't they...

BB: Whispering to Ink Uh-oh, you might be in trouble now.

Just as Ink finishes his sentence, the servants step forward, surrounding him in a circle. Their eyes pierce through him, and the atmosphere becomes charged with a mix of anger and amusement. Ink gulps nervously, realizing he might have gone too far.

Ink: Uh... hey, guys, it was all in good fun, right? I didn't mean any harm...

The servants exchange glances, and without warning, they all begin to chase Ink around the room. Mash, Medusa, Ritsuka, and Jeanne watch the chaos unfold from the sidelines. Mash looks worried but maintains her deadpan expression, while Medusa tries to help Ink escape the wrath of the servants. Ritsuka, with a deadpan expression, casually remarks.

Ritsuka: Well, he did search for it.

Jeanne, sighing, shakes her head at the scene before her and decides to stay on the sidelines. BB, on the other hand, finds the situation hilarious and bursts into laughter.

BB: Oh, Ink, you really stepped in it this time! I hope you've learned your lesson!

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