Chapter 28 Wan Hai's Paranoia

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 Ever since He Dabao and He Erbao were kicked back because of a gang fight, the whole family is like a sheepskin raft full of energy, which may explode at any time.

Xiaowan originally had eighty taels in his hand, and he walked sideways in the countryside, no one was richer than her. But He Zifeng divided the family into ten taels and built a house with twenty taels of silver. She ordered Liangzi to set fire to five taels of silver and lost two taels of silver. There is only eighteen taels of silver left in the family, not to mention how heartbroken it is to spend a fortune, and now He Donglai scolds people at home every day.

Xiao Wan didn't dare to confront him either. He Dabao and He Erbao dropped out of school, and at least twenty taels of silver was spent on them before, and everyone was very angry.

The family is unwilling to spend any more money to send the two children to school to clear up the relationship. Xu Li had no choice but to give his husband the ten taels of silver he had saved over the years, and wanted his child to go back to school. The husband took the things and just told them to wait.

At this time, I heard that He Zifeng actually sent his son to study, how could Wan Hai not be angry.

Xu Lidao: "He gave it to him, so what does it matter if we give it to us?" They gave it to the most famous Jiming private school in the county. The income is extremely strict, and his two sons are very talented, so they were admitted in an exceptional way. He Zifeng estimated that he would send the children to an ordinary private school, and how would it compare.

Wan Haidao: "You don't know, He Zifeng likes to compare with me since he was a child, what do I do, what does he do."

In the past, He Zifeng was always inferior to him, but it added a lot of jokes to the village. But now that they separated and went out, it was easy. This alone made Wan Hai lose a lot, and was scolded all day long.

Strange to say, He Donglai hasn't changed at all, he used to scold He Zifeng, Wan Hai didn't think there was anything wrong. Now that I changed to scolding him, I realized that he couldn't live a day like this.

Hearing the bursts of scolding outside, he was so angry that he didn't know who to send it to. He used to be very gentle and stable, but now his temper is getting worse and worse, and the three children in the family are afraid to talk to him.

Wan Hai then called He Dabao and He Erbao over, and said, "It's not easy for Daddy to support you to study. You must stand out and live a good life. Don't let people look down on you." The two children also regretted it, and they don't know

why His grandparents didn't like them as much as they did before, they scolded people in the yard all day long. If they had known what it would look like when they came back, they would never have come back.

"Father, don't worry, we must study hard." She wished she could go back to the private school immediately. Life is easier over there than here.

Wan Hai looked at the two children and said, "If you don't study hard, you'll be like your second uncle."

Xu Li frowned when he heard that. Just staring, if you have nothing to do, you have to find something to talk about. In case someone overhears it, it's time to make irresponsible remarks again. Xu Li is the youngest son of the village chief, and he is also a decent person in the village. He is very tired of being involved in gossip all day because of the He family's affairs. Let's talk about adults' business and children's business.

Wan Haidao: "Pack up your things now and go to private school. If Mr. doesn't accept you for a day, you will kneel outside for a day. If you don't accept you for a year, you will kneel there for a year." After Wan Hai finished speaking, he waved his hand and let the children run

away gone.

Xu Li frowned beside him. Wan Hai said indifferently: "He Zifeng doesn't even look at how much he weighs. If you want to compare, then do it!" became paranoid.


Early the next morning, Qiuyu bought some peach cakes, cakes and other snacks for Mrs. Lin, and some for her son by the way.

Seeing that Xiao Heran was adapting well, Qiuyu was slightly relieved. Said: "There are good things to share with the children, be good, listen to the master."

Xiao Heran didn't expect to see his little daddy the next day, so excited, Qiuyu squatted down and listened to Xiao Heran Said: "I want you to hug, but it's inconvenient now. You can hug me when I go back, okay?" The children also have comparisons. If they are hugged, they will be laughed at as milk dolls.

Qiuyu touched her son's face and said, "Okay."

Xiao Heran blinked playfully. Said: "Don't forget to pick me up when you are on vacation."

Seeing his son like this, he felt a lot more relaxed. There was only this one child in the family. He had never eaten or lived with other children, so he felt quite fresh. Besides, the management here is not too strict. If you really miss your child, you can come and have a look.

When Qiuyu went back, He Zifeng was proficient in making pancakes. There were many repeat customers for their sauce-flavored pancakes, waiting to get up early to buy pancakes.

He Zifeng was very busy, and Qiuyu's timely return greatly relieved his pressure.

The guests who often eat around said: "After my wife ate your cakes, she said that she would never bake them again. If you want to eat, come and buy some!" "Why don't you make more?

I didn't buy them yesterday." "The people who come here to buy pancakes are all living nearby, waiting for pancakes for a long time, saying hello to them when they are idle and bored, and now they are all like old acquaintances.

Their price is reasonable, the escort agency ordered forty tickets, and other people bought two or three tickets, and the restaurant's job was to run errands for customers in the morning, buying more than a dozen tickets at a time. Now their cakes are getting harder and harder to buy.

Qiuyu said, "Let's do more tomorrow."

Everyone laughed and said, "That's a good relationship. Sometimes I want to eat your sauce pancakes at noon, but unfortunately I don't have them." "Let me tell you,

I plan to buy two more, so I don't have to worry about what to eat at noon ."

He Zifeng sold out the cakes early. The stall was closed earlier than yesterday. He Zifeng picked up the sheepskin bag, which contained not wine, but the well water poured in in the morning, although it didn't have the cool and refreshing feeling just after it was tapped. But the well water has its own sweetness, and it still quenches your thirst when you drink it.

There were so many people just now that He Zifeng didn't ask, but now he closed the stall neatly, put some dead stoves and the like in the backyard they rented, and went back to the city lightly with iron pots and sauces: "I saw Ranran "

"Yes." Qiuyu felt that her son was stronger than herself. Said: "I guess I wanted to go when I saw He Dabao and the others studying. It's just that I never mentioned it." This child is too sensible: "Since my son is willing to learn, I must support him." Go to a shop that sells pens and ink

, Then a little thing would cost three hundred Wen. It's just the beginning of enlightenment. If he keeps studying, he doesn't know how much he will spend. He needs to make more money.

In fact, their business has been quite profitable. It's just that I was poor and white, but now I have bought land, built a house, and sent my children to school. The speed of spending money is faster than making money, so I need to save more.

After Qiuyu went back, she bought another sixty catties of sauce. The lame uncle said: "Are you used up?" He asked for things too fast. The soy sauce jar as tall as a person is almost empty.

Qiuyu said: "Uncle, you can add a few more tanks, and I will find you when I use the sauce."

The lame uncle said: "Don't worry, I still have two big tanks. I will add another five tanks this year, so I won't delay you." thing."

With his words, Qiuyu was relieved, and then went to the pottery workshop to buy a small bottle. There are also many people who buy their hot sauce now. If you don't bring a bowl, you can only borrow theirs. This time, I plan to order some small bottles of pickles.

As soon as I went there, I found a small bottle the size of a palm. There is also a cover on it, and the most amazing thing is that there is a spiral pattern on the cover. If it is fastened tightly, the contents inside will not break for a month. It is said that in order to learn this craft, their old master went to the provincial capital to spend money to learn the craft. A small bottle costs two cents and the price is not bargained.

Qiuyu saw that the bottle could hold half a catty of sauce, so she bought a hundred of them.

Qiuyu and He Zifeng were originally people in the village who didn't raise their eyes. But seeing that he built a big house and sent his son to study, he also knew how capable they were, so he paid attention. After paying attention, I found that Qiuyu went to Uncle Lame to buy sauce every day.

There was a person who gloated at other people's misfortunes and told He Dong about this matter. Who didn't know that He Donglai's forty jars of miso sauce had been returned, so he didn't know why he was worried. When He Donglai heard this, he immediately asked Wan Hai to contact He Zifeng to sell the sauce.

Wan Hai managed to send his son back to the private school, before he could rest. He Donglai found him again. He wouldn't do it. In Wan Hai's eyes, if he went to find He Zifeng, it would be an admission that he was inferior. Said: "Isn't it just dozens of catties of sauce, I can still sell it outside!"

He Donglai yelled: "You sell it? You usually talk loudly, but when you get to the real chapter, you become a turtle with a shrunken head If you don't sell me a jar of sauce today, you are not allowed to eat today."

Wan Hai was scolded by He Donglai, with a bit of humiliation on his face, but this emotion disappeared in a flash, and he said to He Donglai: " I will go to the market, and I will definitely sell it." In the past, he was always waiting for the business to come to his door, and going to the market was already a way of letting go of his dignity.

The two of them were talking outside the yard when they heard a shout from inside. Wan Hai and He Donglai hurried in and saw that it was Liangzi who had disappeared for a few days. Xiao Wanshi was terrified.

Liangzi was not afraid in front of Wan Hai and He Donglai, and said: "Aunt Wan asked me to burn down He Zifeng's house. She promised me the money, but she hasn't paid yet." Xiao Wan said: "You fart

. "He obviously gave the money, and Liang Zi is really a generous bastard, she dared to find her after doing such a thing.

Liangzi said: "You said you gave it, who will testify?"

Xiao Wan was afraid that people would find out, so he went alone. He was so shameless, he obviously took the money.

Liangzi made up her mind, knowing that the He family didn't dare to say anything, she said confidently: "If you don't pay me, don't say I'm going out, everyone will be done with it by then." He Donglai trembled angrily


Wan Hai also knew that they had been blackmailed by scoundrels, and they really didn't dare to say anything. Especially him, who just sent the child back to the private school and spent ten taels of silver. The son was sent back for a fight, and if it came out that his grandma set fire to the stepson's house, the boy's reputation would be ruined. At that time, you have to be expelled from school. His eyes were almost red with anger, his teeth were clenched, and he wanted to beat his mother up, it was more than success than failure.

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