Chapter 42 It's Raining Heavy

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    Qiuyu cooks delicious food, thinking that her son hasn't come back for many days, so she shows off her housekeeping skills in cooking.

Little He Ran got off the table after eating with a round stomach.

In the evening, the little guy fed Qinghua himself, and touched Qinghua when he was not prepared, jumping up and down happily. After washing my little hands and feet, I insisted on sleeping between the two dads.

He Zifeng laughed at him from the side: "Didn't you say you have grown up?"

The little guy just smiled and hid in his arms, then closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He Zifeng could hear his son's laughter by pointing his finger at his little face.

Qiuyu didn't let He Zifeng interfere with his son's sleep, so He Zifeng reluctantly let go, why didn't he realize that children are so fun. The little guy still insists on hugging his neck, it's better to have a brother, clingy.

He Zifeng looked at his son with tenderness in his eyes. That is to say, the child is willing to stick to him when he is young, and when he grows up in a few years, he will not be with him at that time.

After Xiao Heran came back, he ran wildly with Brother Gouzi all over the mountains and plains. He was also tired all day today, and fell asleep after a while.

Qiuyu kissed her son. The little guy ate milk cake today, and his breath smelled like milk.

The child was held in the innermost part of the bed by He Zifeng, and he was covered with an exclusive quilt.

Qiuyu was lying in the middle, and He Zifeng was sleeping on his side. He directly supported Qiuyu's leg with his hand, insisting on wrapping it around his waist. Then he rubbed his hands along the sides of his legs.

Qiuyu's breath changed when he was provoked, but He Zifeng was not serious, and said to him, "It's not convenient today." Qiuyu

immediately blocked He Zifeng's mouth with both hands, preventing him from saying these words.

He Zifeng opened his mouth and bit his hand.

Qiuyu was caught off guard, startled and immediately withdrew her hand. Before he had time to stare back at He Zifeng, he was held tightly in his arms by He Zifeng and kissed him.

Maybe it's because of his son's return, Qiuyu is extraordinarily gentle, and he has long wanted to kiss her.

Qiuyu was annoyed, and after breaking free, she bit He Zifeng's lips. He didn't control the strength for a while, and he bit blood. Seeing this, Qiuyu became annoyed.

He Zifeng didn't care at all, and said, "Go to sleep, I won't trouble you." Then he fell asleep with his arms around Qiuyu.


When he woke up the next day, there was a small wound on He Zifeng's lip, and he was asked by his son.

He Zifeng was full of excitement: "Oh, it was scratched by the kitten."

Qiuyu dared not speak out in anger.

But Xiao Heran asked, "Where is the cat?"

He Zifeng coughed dryly, and couldn't tease him any more, and said, "Maybe he ran away."

Xiao Heran's popularity is good now, and he was caught by the villagers after breakfast. The child yelled and went out to play.

After a while, it became cloudy outside, Qiuyu called her son back, and it started to rain heavily as soon as the little guy entered the house. He Zifeng said: "I'll go to the county, deliver the lo mei they ordered to the inn and escort agency, and then I'll come back." This autumn rain is coming fiercely, and it doesn't look like it will stop easily.

Their small business in the county doesn't even have a canopy, so once it rains, they can only stop their business.

Qiuyu found him a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, and tied them carefully.

He Zifeng saw Qiuyu being so caring, and said, "Aren't you angry?"

Qiuyu glanced at him, and said, "Who is angry with you? You are dishonest, and you deserve to be bitten by a cat." He

Zifeng joined in He whispered in his ear: "This cat is too bad. If I caught it that day,

I had to give it a hard spank ." Taken away, disappeared into the rain.

Seeing the rain, Qiuyu was also a little worried. Xiao Heran said: "Little Daddy hug."

Qiuyu hugged the little boy in her arms, and said: "I know how to bully people, just like your father." His tone concealed two points of imperceptible pampering.

Xiao Heran said: "That's right, I'm my father's son. It must be!"

Qiuyu carried her son back to the house. After it rained, the house was cold and damp, so she lit the kang. After a while the room became hot. Holding an umbrella, Qiuyu went to tidy up the small shed and yard before returning to the house.

Once back in the house, his son let him lie on the hottest kang.

Qiuyu and her son lay down, and the two of them were talking nonchalantly. The little guy said Mr. Lin was very gentle and even praised him. The little guy was very proud when he talked about it, but he didn't eat very well, either radish or cabbage, and he could only eat meat once every seven days.

Qiuyu said: "It's going to be cold this time, I'll bring you some more clothes, remember to change." After thinking for a while, he said: "You go this time, I'll bring you two bottles of hot sauce!" "Yes.

" Xiao Heran agreed.

The two of them were very comfortable in the room, and they fell asleep with their arms around each other after a while. Soon Qiuyu heard a rustling sound. Qiuyu woke up with a start, thinking that a thief had broken into the house, but when she got up, she saw a familiar person come back.

When He Zifeng came in, he took off his bamboo hat and coir raincoat in the outer room. The rain was too heavy.

It is rare to see such heavy rain in autumn.

When Qiuyu saw him, surprise flashed in his eyes: "Why are you back?"

He Zifeng said: "The captors didn't go, and less than half of them clicked and let them go home." After a pause, he said : "The shops on half the street in the county are not open, the heavy rain is pouring smoke, and there is no one on the road."

Qiuyu saw that his breathing was cold, so she warmed his hands quickly and said: "Hurry Change out of the wet clothes. Don't catch the wind and cold!"

He Zifeng quickly changed his clothes, and the clothes that were wet by the rain were washed clean by Qiuyu directly in the basin. Hanging in the house, the dirty water was poured directly into the yard. This heavy rain washes away, and it can be washed clean.

The family of three was in the house, Qiuyu seemed to remember something, and then went in to take a handful of roasted peanuts with skins on. It tastes delicious, and it is considered a small snack. Their family could not afford this before, but now that the family has some money left over, these small snacks are also available.

The three of them were very happy eating peanuts. Soon the downpour became much lighter. I heard someone knock on the door.

He Zifeng opened the door with an umbrella, and it was Shuanzi who came, and said, "Second brother He, He Fan was bitten by Xiong Xiazi. He is about to die!" "Ah?

" Xiong babble?"

Shuanzi said: "I don't know the details, it's not just him. Tie Niu, Datou, are all injured. You should go and have a look. If it's too late, there might be no one left." He Zifeng

said "Shuanzi, you go first, I'll change my clothes and I'll be there soon." Then Shuanzi went to inform the others.

When He Zifeng went back and told Qiuyu that he was about to go, Qiuyu quickly brought him a tael of silver and said, "Here."

He Zifeng took the money, turned and left.

Then I went to He's house. He's house is a big place, and these injured people were carried to He's house. It's still raining outside. A total of five people were injured this time. Only one barefoot doctor saw them, and all of them were injured.

When He Zifeng came, he found that not only He Donglai was there, but Aunt He was also there. When he looked at He Zifeng, he kept shaking his eyes.

Xu Li saw that so many people had come. The ginger tea was still boiling, He Zifeng went to see He Fan first, and saw that He Fan was wrapped in several places. It's not as serious as Shuanzi said: "What's the matter?"

Tieniu's father scolded angrily: "This group of guys who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth are going to kill the bears. Isn't it too long-term. Don't look at yourself Do you have the ability to do that?"

He Fan said: "I want to make some money." He heard that bears are full of treasures, bear skins, bear paws and bear gall, and even bear bones are wanted. Just gathered a few people in the past to try their luck, who would be as scary as a furious bear. A few of them were considered obedient, and ran away immediately when they saw that things were not good, but they were all injured to some extent.

After a while, the Village Chief Liuzi also followed and said, "How are you doing?"

The barefoot doctor said, "They all have to train for at least a month." Then, like everyone else, he began to say that they should not provoke bears. But there is also good news, the lives of five people were saved.

The doctor said: "This time I will give me a tael of silver for the consultation and asking for money. When I came, these people lost a lot of blood. I used half a root of wild ginseng. That is at least half a tael of silver, plus other I didn't overcharge you for the medicine."

The family members of Tieniu and Datou were the first to express their opinions: "Let's share the money between the five families equally!" The family has two hundred cash.

Aunt He said: "It should be four points for you. My He Fan's thighs are not thicker than others' arms, what does he know. You must have gone to him. We haven't settled the account yet." He Donglai didn't speak at the

side , obviously also had the same idea as Aunt He.

Tieniu's father is also a fiery character, he quit when he heard this, and said: "Your family He Fan is innocent, who doesn't know that he has a lot of thoughts. If it's not the case, these boys are all with him, I will tell you Hey, don't bully others."

Xu Li hurriedly smoothed things over: "Uncle, we will definitely pay the money. Calm down."

Tieniu's father watched Xu Li busy making ginger tea for everyone. Yes, he was quite considerate, and said: "For a young man, two hundred Wen is still squeaking, and he has lived on the belly of a dog. It's not as sensible as a child. If I don't look at Xu Li today For the sake of saving face, I really want to give you a slap."

Datou's mother also annoyed her aunt and said, "This is our Chishui village's business, you, a married woman, don't care about these things.

" Jiang gave all of Jiang's money to He Donglai, Xu Li didn't know why He Donglai wasn't willing to give even this small amount of money.

He was even shaved and shaved his face. Xu Li's face was also bright.

The doctor collected enough money and turned to leave, but he had a very bad opinion of the He family in his heart. I plan to see a doctor at their family in the future, and I can't get back the medicine money I saved, so I packed my backpack and saw that the rain was a little bit less, so I left directly.

He Zifeng hadn't been to the He's house for a long time, but this time he came to find that the He's house was much empty than before, since Xiao Wan's ran away with the money. They sold a lot of things to pawns. It used to be the most luxurious house in the village, but now it looks a bit desolate.

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