Chapter 79 A Day in the Life of an Ordinary People

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  Entering the winter, there were many heavy snowfalls in a row, and people were trapped in the room and couldn't get out.

Facing the snow, a woman walked home quickly, not daring to delay for a moment on the way, with two pancakes in her arms that she couldn't bear to eat.

She was already walking very fast, but when she got home, her hands were so cold that she couldn't feel it.

Putting her hand to her mouth and letting out a sigh of relief, the woman opened the door and hurried back to the room. There were three children on the kang, and when they saw her come back, they jumped up and down happily. The eldest is five years old, and the youngest is more than two years old.

There was also a smile on the woman's face.


The woman said, "Hey, are you all hungry?" She pulled the three children over and kissed them one by one.

The so-called mush is to soak the dry food in water, soak it for a long time, stir it and eat it. It's cold now, and the three children don't go out to hug each other on the kang on weekdays, and they breathe white when they talk in the room.

The youngest cub nodded: "Eat."

The woman gave the two dry rations in her arms to the eldest son, and these are their dry rations for tomorrow.

Although the woman was born and bred in the county, she had no money. When she went to He Zifeng's shop to drink porridge, she was introduced to the workshop by her. Seeing that she was quick and capable, the workshop let her join the tofu workshop for one hundred Wen a month. And two hot meals. It's not cold at all to work in a room with a fire wall. Many female workers brought their children there, so that the children could warm up.

She wanted to do the same at first. But her child is too young and doesn't have a padded jacket, so it would be troublesome if she catches a cold. It's cold today, although the poor family has nothing, but the children are worried at home and lock the door from the outside every time.

She was extremely grateful to He Zifeng, if he hadn't introduced herself to the workshop, she wouldn't have survived this winter.

Working there now. You can get one hundred Wen every month. You can also buy pancakes from the workshop. Food prices are now skyrocketing. I heard that a pancake costs ten yuan, but the pancakes here cost three yuan, and they are not small. Soaking two pancakes into a paste is enough for three children to eat for a day.

The woman got on the cold kang, and she stretched out her hand to hug the children in her arms. Then he rubbed their bodies with his hands to make the heat a little more.

The five-year-old son said: "Mom, I also want to earn money."

The woman said: "My son has grown up, but there is a father and mother at home, so you don't need to go out to work.

" Hearing voices from outside, the woman thought her husband had come back, so she was about to get up and go out with joy on her face. It turned out that it was my sister-in-law who came!

The sister-in-law entered the house and knelt down for her: "Sister-in-law, please lend me two catties of food, my family really can't survive." Their families are about the same. Back then, when my sister-in-law was picking up food, when everyone was hoarding food, she thought it was expensive and was reluctant to buy it. Now that the wind and snow blocked her, she couldn't even go out if she wanted to buy it, and the new food from that year was gone. I didn't know it was grain that had been stale for several years, and the asking price was five cents a catty.

Besides, the difficulty brought by the cold is not only food, but also insufficient firewood and coal. It's only the beginning of November, and there are still two months of winter. I don't know when this day will end.

The woman said: "Get up quickly." Then said: "Every family is in a difficult situation, and my family's food is only five catties. I will lend you three catties. Our adults are fine, and the children can't go hungry. Otherwise Go to the workshop tomorrow and ask, and if you can't eat the food distributed there every day, you can take it away."

The sister-in-law said: "Success, I will also ask tomorrow. Thank you sister-in-law for helping me." While talking, tears came down .

After leaving with the food, the woman couldn't bear it. Fortunately, she had this job, otherwise her life would be the same as that of my sister-in-law. The common people are in a difficult situation.

The children are the most sensitive, they seem to be able to feel her discomfort, and wake her up with their immature voices.

She said, "Mum, is it all right?" She was a little embarrassed, she was comforted by the child for her age.

Just then the door rang. From a distance, I heard a man say: "Look what good things I brought." Then he came in happily, bringing two loads of dry firewood and one load of cinders. This is a good thing that money can't buy now.

The man is now on the snowplow team. Not only the main roads in the county need to be cleaned, but also the roads leading to the villages. Although it was tiring and hard work, he got a cotton-padded jacket and had two meals a day. Said: "The deputy head catcher gave this to us. Everyone has it."

"No money?" the woman asked.

The man said: "I didn't spend a penny."

The woman looked a little happy, and quickly sorted out the dry firewood and put them in the backyard. They have a kang, but they are reluctant to burn it. Said: "When it's cold, burn it again!"

The man returned home and quickly put his cotton shoes on the window to dry. The shoes will be dry again tomorrow.

Cotton clothes and trousers are pressed on their thin quilts. All of a sudden it was much warmer. When a man is very angry, when he gets on the kang, the children love to join him. The whole family got together and talked to each other before it was time to go to bed.

The woman told the man about her sister-in-law coming to borrow food. The man said: "Her life is also difficult now." Thinking of the natural disaster made him feel a little emotional, such a heavy snowfall, I don't know how many people will die. Touching the woman's cold hand, he said, "I'll get new clothes for you next month, so you won't be so cold every day."

The woman tried her best and said, "I'm fighting against the cold. I'll share the next set and wear it for the children." The coldness in the room made them uncomfortable.

The man said: "They don't go out, and put all the single clothes at home on them. It's cold on the road. You can't fall down, or the house will collapse." The woman looked at the man and hummed for a long time


The man said: "I heard that Ming'er County kills pigs. At that time, we will cook sauerkraut and stewed pork. If I get it, I will bring it back for our family of five to eat." When the woman heard the meat, her mouth was full of hunger

. Said: "Then I will bring back tomorrow's food." The children's mouths were broken after eating dry food and soaking in water all day. She also asked those women who had given birth and experience. It's not good. Eat something good and bring it back right away.

"The county magistrate is really kind."

"So is He Guanye. Without him, our family would starve to death."

While talking, several people lay down, with cotton clothes and trousers pressed on the quilt, much warmer. After a while, the children began to breathe evenly. Only the woman could not sleep, but she dared not move for fear of waking the children.

The man whispered: "Why don't you sleep?"

The woman swallowed and said, "I can't sleep, so I want to eat tomorrow's sauerkraut stewed pork."

The man is also greedy if he doesn't sleep. But he was embarrassed to say it out of face-saving, and said: "In the coming year, I will buy more pork and cook it for you, so you can eat it!"

The woman sneered, and said: "You can brag." After that, he ignored him and went to bed up. In my dreams, there are all stewed white pork.

Early the next morning, the whole street was enveloped by an alluring fragrance. Those who didn't know thought it was still a dream.

The author has something to say: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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