Spells of the Web (Satana Hellstrom)

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"Satana...?" He whispered questioningly, opening the door while carrying a transformed and knocked out Stephen Strange over his shoulders. He stared right at the woman with blood red hair who also had demonic horns on top of her head, looking just how she was currently floating in lotus position. He marveled just how she was floating over about half a dozen feet from the ground, which had an ornate silver pentagram underneath her. The ancient oak wood flooring creek with every step he took towards the woman, though he didn't manage to see any change in her body position.

Yet, in a matter of seconds, he could see just how the woman opened her eyes in recognition. He almost flinched back, though he held it in, not even stopping his movements while he walked with Stephen in tow. Her red obsidian eyes looked at him with gratitude, which told him that she probably heard his concerned question. He just smiled underneath his red mask, finally stepping towards the pentagram underneath him. He carefully placed Stephen on the floor, looking at his friend with slight worry.

"Forgive me, Spider-Man. I was deep in meditation" She replied, which only made the arachnid hero roll his eyes underneath his mask, yet he kept his mouth shut. It was better than sarcastically replying that he noticed her unfocused stare. Better than being on the receiving end of the daughter of Satan, he knew better than to antagonize the daughter of the devil. She smiled at him, her red lips making him slightly uncomfortable. He had to admit that she was a very beautiful woman, yet his self preservation came first. Not wanting his hormones to overrule his judgment. "Quickly, my friend. we don't have much time"

"Time for-" It was then that Peter noticed the blue flames surrounding the trio. It was not harming them, of that he was sure. But he saw no reason for him to be there. He was not a sorcerer, not a person that could freely use magic at his whim. He would definitely take advantage of it if he had so, even if it was mostly to stop his enemies from causing even more harm. "What are you doing?" He had to ask, the lenses of his mask narrowled quite a bit at the dark haired woman. He needed to know why she trapped him inside of the pentagram, not able to go on his merry way because the flame wouldn't allow him to do so. "Why are the flames all around us?"

"These are not flames, Spider-Man. This is a Psychic Wall resembling flames" She clarified, which only made him roll his eyes at that. Let it be known that he was definitely not very knowledgeable with this, only ever dealing with some of Strange's villains when he needed the help. Which, honestly, it was once a year. And while he could definitely deal with it, he was not up to the level of whatever this may be. Yet he felt that whatever Satana wanted from him, it would be something to remember. "It will not harm you. All within its walls are safe"

"Glad to hear it" He said, slight relief in knowing that this wall made of psychic fire will not harm him in any sort of way. Yet the question still lingered on his mind, a question that kept going on repeat even while he looked in her direction. "So, care to tell me why I cannot leave?" And his big mouth just opened up. He softly groaned at his own impulsive reactions, internally knowing that if Satana was not letting him go it was because he was still needed. He sighed a bit, his eyes staring at the woman. She had a small smile on her face, one that had not left her face ever since their conversation had started. "I already did everything you have asked of me..."

"Every great spell must be cast by a balanced power" She explained, one of his brows rising in total confusion. He was sure that she could even notice his confusion because of the movement of the lenses of his mask. "Female and male... Intellect and strength, you and I form that balance" He slowly nodded, the direct approach that the female succubus explained was actually making things easier to understand. He still was hesitant to even say that he was needed, many other heroes being far stronger than him but he was the one there, the one that would save his friend from this accursed transformation. "While I fight in the Astral Plane for Stephen's soul, you must maintain his physical form inside of the Pentagram. If the spell is broken, our lives are forfeit"

"And what do you know, a normal Friday for me" The arachnid hero replied, which actually managed to gain a chuckle from the succubus in question. He was surprised to even hear her chuckle, not expecting that his joke would even work to begin with. Smiling over towards the blood red haired woman, he adjusted his position to trap Stephen Strange in his grasp and finish the spell. He had faith that Satana knew what she was doing, that she would be able to help his friend with this. And it will be a matter of time before they would all remember this day as a moment to tease Stehen about. "Good luck, Red"

He watched her everlasting smile grow slightly bigger. He was definitely glad that the two of them were on the same side, fighting to help a common friend. It was surreal, but he knew that it would be all worth it in the end. That smile only kept hypnotizing him further into her beauty, even if he knew full well that it was because of her nature as a succubus. Yet he couldn't dwell on that thought for long, noticing immediately that Strange had woken up from his unconscious state. He used full force to stop the cursed Stephen from moving, making the man growl at him in anger.

"Sorry, doc... Is for your own good" Spider-Man replied, his eyes moving towards the woman with the red obsidian colored eyes. He noticed that she was struggling, her smile fading away as a single drop of sweat traveled through her forehead. He wanted to help her in any way, he must be able to do something. Yet all he could do was think about what she may be going through to help the man in his grasp. A sharp pain went across his chest, gasping in shock at the unexpected feeling. But he was not injured, he didn't receive any physical harm from Stephen. And if this was true, then it meant that whatever happened, it was because of Satana. "Come on, Red... You can do it"

In moments, everything exploded in flames. He could feel the heat against his skin, yet it did not burn him. He immediately noticed just how Stephen began to turn back into a human, which made him smile in relief knowing that his friend was alright. Yet concern immediately seeped into his soul as he quickly went towards Satana's side. He moved his arms towards her body, adjusting the position of the two carefully. She laid on his lap, a rhythmic pulse felt through his fingertips as soon as he grabbed her hand. He was relieved that she was alive, the pain from earlier diminishing considerably.

"We are now united as one, Spider-Man..." He could hear her weak voice, his eyes looking at her with clear confusion. He didn't understand whatever her words meant at this very moment. He was worried about many things, things that certainly were far more important than mere words. "The balance of the spell was so great, that it also linked our souls together for all eternity" It was then that his thought process stopped to turn around. Mere words, he might have thought just second ago but those words made so much sense now that she had explained them even further. It was probably the reason as to why he felt pain just seconds ago. It was not his pain, it was Satana's pain. "The same bond that Stephen and Clea have... Is one that we both share, Spider-Man"

"I'm... I'm glad that you're alright, Red..." He whispered, which just made the female smile at him once again. He had missed that smile, even if he had been watching it moments ago. The fulfillment of having these strong emotions to someone that he barely knew was confusing at first, yet he could honestly say that he had been captivated. Her natural charm as a succubus had affected him greatly, and knowing that neither of them would feel happy with someone else, made it all the worthwhile for him. It was a bonus that she also had red hair, though it was the preferred hair color he had in mind because of all his evenings with Mary Jane, it was not really necessary. All he hoped for was that their lives would be filled with everlasting happiness, one that they were seriously taking advantage of if ignoring the wholesome reunion between Stephen and Clea was anything to go by.

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