Chapter Three (Redone:July 2, 2023)

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He was beautiful...


"Poppy." I laughed softly, "I can't take the risk of flying right now. What if something happens and I fall?"

"You know Highwing won't ever let that happen." She told me, and when she saw that I was continuing to hesitate she continued to look me over. "What's going on? Usually you never fear something as such."

"It's nothing, I just don't really feel well today and then the thought popped into my head about falling is all." I tried to lie, but I saw immediately that she was already catching onto that lie. She had her head cocked and a hand on her hip and I caved into everything I've wanted to tell her over the past few months. "I'm pregnant with Sebastian Sallow's child."

"What?" She took a step back, hand placed over her heart as she looked me over, eyes wide in shock. "You're serious?"

I nodded. "I am."

"When are you due?" She was still wide eyed but I saw the smile on her face as she rushed to hug me. "How are you not showing? I thought he disappeared toward the end of fifth year, or have you been secretly seeing him?"

I shook my head. "I haven't seen him since he disappeared. The professors and the doctors and nurses of the Hospital wing helped me find a spell that would hide the pregnancy until I could give birth. I'm due Halloween day."

"How exciting." She beamed, though her smile faded. "I'm sorry he isn't here for you."

I gave a sad smile. "I know, but I have Ominis and my brother to stand beside me, and now you."

"This little one will be loved no matter where the father may be." She pulled away, "I can see why you're so hesitant to fly with Highwing now and that explains why she's been extra clingy with you. She must be able to tell."

"I would be surprised if she couldn't tell." I laughed softly. "But I must confess that my last check on the little one didn't go so well. I was told they weren't doing well, though at the time it wasn't determined as to why. Maybe the stress of Sebastian being gone."

"Don't worry, I'm sure the little one will be fine." She promised, and I loved her optimism.

Poppy became my rock in the battle of my pregnancy. She had been there at the news of the reasoning behind the complications, only half of which related to my stress of losing Sebastian. She was there with me as I panicked in which to tell my brother and Ominis and she helped me come up with a lie that was just past believable. And then she was there with me through each visit to the Hospital wing, a private room set aside just for me and the doctor and nurses to check over my pregnancy. She was there as I found out even more terrifying news that was coated in a happy. And poppy was there that night of Halloween when I refused to let no one in but her.

Poppy had stood outside the hospital room, explaining to both Ominis and my brother how she was the only one I had wanted at the time of the birth. I could hear my brother angrily venting about needing to be in here with me even if it was to hold my hand.

"I'm sorry, Icarus, she doesn't want anyone but myself in there." Poppy told him in a soft voice.

"But I'm her brother."

"All the more reason she doesn't want you in there." She voiced. "Usually something like this requires the father or a best friend at most. She doesn't need her brother in the delivery room when it should be Sebastian."

"Fuck him." Icarus growled. "He left her."

"Which is why I'm standing in his place for her." Poppy explained. "I'm sorry, Ominis. I know you started taking on more of Sebastian's roll through all this."

I heard him sigh. "As long as she has a healthy delivery, I shall be fine. Now go, don't let Icarus hold you back, I know Echo must be waiting."

"Thank you." Poppy breathed and before long she was walking into the room, eyes sad as she reached me. "Are you ready?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I shook my head. "No,"

She reached out to hold my hand, letting me squeeze through the pain.


He was beautiful...

I let the tears stream from my face as I looked down at the still born in my arms. So much went wrong and I had no one to blame. This little boy was supposed to be delivered into the world as a healthy little wizard and not lifeless. The sobs ripped through my body, Poppy's body hugging me from the side as she cried with me. We had always known this was the outcome, but it didn't hurt any less looking at what my future would have been.

I would have named him Christopher.

Christopher Sallow.

I could see him having Sebastian's overall personality, his bright eyes holding a longing for knowledge and mischief. He would have my dark stormy gray eyes, or maybe my ash white hair. No, he would have my eyes and Sebastain's dark hair. He would have been the sweetest boy, loved by all that surrounded him and spoiled by the ones he called family.

Sebastian would have loved him...

The sobs didn't stop as I held him tightly to my chest.

"What do you want me to tell Ominis and Icarus?" Poppy sniffed as she pulled away from me.

I looked away from Christopher, only for a moment, before looking back down at him as I found myself unable to part my gaze from him. "Tell them that I gave him up to a nice family that I know will take better care of him than I can on my own. Please also tell them that I can't see them for a few weeks because the delivery ran with some complications and I need to have rest."

"Are you sure?" She sniffed.

I just nodded as the tears continued to fall. "Tell them his new family, let me name him Christopher and please just leave it at that. If they ask why I gave him up, tell them that I couldn't bear the burden of raising a son without his father. Let them hate me if you must, I just don't want to tell them the truth. Not right now."

"Okay," She breathed, squeezing my shoulder before leaving the room.

I was left alone, sobbing as I held tight to him. "You would have been a beautiful baby boy, Christopher. And your daddy would have loved meeting you when he finally decided to come home. He didn't mean to leave us, I know that. You see, you have this aunt who would have loved you just as much as your uncles, Ominis and Icarus. But your auntie Anne got sick, just like you. If your daddy would have known you were sick he probably would have done everything he tried with Anne. He would have given his life for you. I just know he would have.

"I love you, Christopher. Daddy loves you, too, even though he knows nothing about you." I finally buried my face into the blanket he lay in and sobbed, letting my heart break with each wail.

In the Shadows of Romance/Sebastian Sallow x MCWhere stories live. Discover now