Chapter Eight (Redone:July , 2023)

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I found myself unsure of where to go. If I went to the undercroft then it meant I'd have a chance of running into Ominis, my brother, or now Sebastian due to the fact that the man was back. The room of requirement was another option yes, but it was off limits due to the fact that again I would run into someone. I wouldn't have a room to myself when Deek was always there and Icarus had access to the room as well. Then there was Fig's old classroom and office, but they had long been replaced and given to another teacher who replaced him at the start of sixth year. Not even the Gryffindor common rooms were a safe space for me, it had been weeks since I had seen some of my friends and though we had sent owls over the summer, they would still wish to talk of our summer endeavors. I'd be found out no matter where I turned and that had me wheeling with anxiety. I did not have a place to call my own escape and I was at a loss of where to turn.

I was wandering around the halls, struggling to find a place to hide myself when I stumbled upon yet another person I hadn't seen for almost two years. "Anne."

She jumped as she turned to face me, a bright smile on her face. If she wasn't as sick as she was she would be absolutely stunning, she and her brother had both matured well in the time of their absence. "Just the witch I was hoping to find."

"You were looking for me?" I was shocked as I moved to hug her.

Her arms circled around me as she nodded.

"Come, let us talk somewhere more private." She pulled away from me before grabbing my hand. I let her guid me and pull me through the halls before processing just where we were at. It was the library doors that she pushed open and pulled me through, sending the two of us descending down the stairs and keeping to the left side of the bookshelves. There was a fireplace blazing and a few little seats that sat in a nice little reading nook set up. "Would you cast Glacius on the fire? I don't feel well enough to cast it myself."

Without question, I cast the spell and it revealed a little room just beyond the fireplace. We slipped through, settling into the room and my immediate thought was to use Confringo to light the fire back up after us so as to not be disturbed as we talked.

"You wished to talk with me?" I prompted, unsure of what this Sallow twin would do to me emotionally. "Actually forget that a bloody moment, how have you been? I've missed you terribly."

She smiled, though it looked pained. "I'm doing well, you wouldn't believe the places I have been nor the beauty of this world I've seen. I apologize for the way I left and for never sending an owl every once in a while, I just needed time to figure out what I was thinking and I had to process everything you and my brother were willing to do to help me. You tried so hard to guide him in the right direction and he still went down a dark path; I just needed away from Sebastain long enough to get my head straight. Though the owl the two of you sent me at the end of fifth year had me thinking more."

"He's here now." I breathed my truth, casting my eyes down as I reached for the necklace I had made of some of Christopher's ashes.

"I'm not surprised." Anne answered with a little shake of her head. "That is actually why I wished to speak with you. Seb found me late this year and together the two of us were looking for whatever curse Rookwood used on me. I heard what he had to say about Isidora, how she was able to do what she did and in turn you and your brother, but I didn't want that as my cure. Sebastian made it sound so magical and so worth our time, but I know that was clouding the real reason behind the cure. I fear it wouldn't be a cure at all."

"It's not." I breathed softly, looking up and letting the necklace fall against my chest. "Though we were still willing to try."

"I'm not surprised with that either." She shook her head again. "Now where was I, yes, looking for a cure. We found it, we found what we assumed to be the curse Rookwood cast on me and it has seemed so promising but my fears and anxiety have bested me. I ran here before getting a chance to try the counter curse. I'm scared, it seems more promising than your ancient magic. What if it's not the right one? What if it doesn't work? Or what if it makes my condition worse?"

In the Shadows of Romance/Sebastian Sallow x MCWhere stories live. Discover now