Chapter Fifteen

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A month since our first conversation of the ancient magic and my stubbornness to take half of it to save Icarus from the pain. Though the two of us started talking again, it wasn't as often as it used to be and he knew nothing of the panic attacks I held over the issue. Though some of those attacks now stemmed from the time of year, it had been coming up on Chirstopher's birthday. Regardless of the reasoning behind the attacks, nine times out of ten it was Sebastian who caught me at my worst, and then it was Ominis the remaining time.

It was in the moments of my panic that I saw the old Sebastian Sallow I fell in love with back in fifth year. He was witty, an arse, sarcastic and sassy and though I refused to share what had happened to our son he was who I chose to comfort me. He was the same boy that I had loved and not the man that had a constant frown etched into his face whenever he was near. He wasn't the semi tattooed so called bad boy of the school who cared about no one aside from his sister. And he wasn't the Slytherin male that most had started to steer clear of.

He was just Sebastian Sallow.

He was the man who made our first intimate night together something I would never forget. He was the man who had given me Christopher and he was the man who by morally gray standards I shouldn't have fallen in love with but did regardless. That's what scared me the most. He was showing me his old self, the part of him I knew that didn't die with Solomon. He was the man I loved and he was pulling me to him one more.

Why did I have to still be in love with him after all this time? Why did I have to still love him? Why? Why was it that I found those feelings surfacing better than the feelings I held for Ominis? I should be angry with Sebastian for leaving me and for leaving our son. But I wasn't, I was completely and utterly mad with love for him. And because of that, I found myself pulling from Sebastian first and then Ominis. Because of that I found myself dealing with my panic alone and away from prying eyes. I had nowhere to go and found myself fleeing from empty classrooms to storage closets.

It was where I had found myself now on Chirstopher's birthday; I was sitting in Professor Fig's old classroom, tucked just under the stairs that lead up to the office and hidden away from those prying eyes I feared the most. Though there was no class present I wasn't sure of a teacher and if I was being honest with myself I couldn't quite remember what teacher it was that had taken over what Professor Fig taught in Magic Theory. I just remember skipping a lot of the classroom time and having Natty or Poppy ask for the opportunity of teaching me outside the class if they understood the material well enough. Whatever teacher it was had been understanding and had even assigned other students I had become friends with over the fifth year to be of some extra help.

I tugged at my knees, pulling them further to my chest as I wrapped my arms around myself. The tears hadn't stopped since the panic and anxiety started and all I could find myself thinking of was my son first and foremost with stray thoughts of my brother's condition with the ancient magic.

In the Shadows of Romance/Sebastian Sallow x MCWhere stories live. Discover now