Chapter Sixteen

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Sebastian's P.O.V.

I bloody hated seeing Echo with Ominis, especially after finding out about my late son. I knew that by leaving her it would open up opportunities for other men confessing and becoming smitten with my little Gryffindor, but I still hated it nonetheless. I knew she had turned to Ominis in my absence and had formed a bond with him and I may not know what had happened during her pregnancy but I'm sure he was there every step of the way, probably even planning to take my place as the father. He was there for her when I wasn't and it pissed me off. I shouldn't have left her and I will regret that every day of my life, but I just pray that one day she will try to forgive me. I pray one day I could have her love back.

What I hated more than Echo with Ominis though was the fact that she had been ignoring me as of late. I hadn't fully seen her in a week, and now that today was our late son's birthday I wanted to see her more than ever. But over the course of the week any time I had seen her she was hightailing it in the opposite direction, though that wasn't before I had caught sight of the bags under her eyes and the unnatural paleness of her usually bright olive skin.

I was actively looking for her now, and the idea of not being able to find her was royally beginning to piss me off. There was something that was pissing me off more than that though, it was her brother. It was the fact that he was being absolutely mental about this whole ordeal and he hadn't once noticed his female counterpart and her attacks.

I stormed into the great hall on a mission, my eyes scanning the Ravenclaw table just after scanning the Gryffindor's. I wasn't surprised to see that my little Gryffindor was gone, she always was but when I spotted her twin, a whole new fire lit within me. I marched right up to the younger male, demanding his attention.

"We need to fucking talk." I growled in the deadliest tone I could muster, causing some of his friends, like Amit and Samantha, to look up at me with questionable looks.

Without complaint, Icarus pushed himself from the table and followed me out of the great hall, into the courtyard and finally stopping somewhere more private. We were far enough from prying ears and he dropped his nice boy act as I stood toe to toe with me.

"What in the bloody hell do you want, Sallow?"

"Your sister, where is she?"

"I'm not her babysitter, Sallow." He told me with a huff. "She hasn't shown up yet and if I'm being honest I don't really expect her to. She sent me an owl earlier today saying she wasn't feeling well and that if I needed her to look in the room of requirement later."

I scoffed, shaking my head at him before running a heavy hand over my face and through my hair. "I'm worried about her."

"She just needs some rest and she'll be fine." He told me as if to brush me off and that pissed me off more than I already was at the moment.

"For a Ravenclaw you sure are dense." I laughed bitterly as my thoughts raced. Did this bloke not realize that today was halloween? Did he not realize today was the day his sister lost her child? Or was he hiding that from me?

"What is that supposed to mean?" Icarus growled.

"It means you haven't once taken notice of your own twin's suffering." I snapped at him. "Ominis and I have been helping her through panic induced anxiety attacks. She's been having them since your fight over that damned magic and has just gotten worse. But what's driving me up the wall is the fact that she's been ignoring my help and probably Ominis' the last week."

"I haven't spoken with her in days." Ominis' sudden voice had me jumping, but shooting a look beside me, I watched as he stopped inches away from me. "I haven't said anything about her attacks because she has been getting the help she needs though now that she's not accepting help, I'm worried like Sebastian. You've taken this too far, Icarus. I know you wish to keep your sister from harm by not letting her help you but I believe it's putting in more harm than you have initially intended it to. She only wishes to help and thinks that this is all avoidable if she wasn't the one at fault."

In the Shadows of Romance/Sebastian Sallow x MCWhere stories live. Discover now