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A/N re-published with some changes


Sat by her desk, Lily gently drops her pencil and leans back on her chair. She looks to the opposite side of the room, the soft wrinkles around her eyes highlighted by the sunshine spilling through the glass walls, and she takes a minute to appreciate the view.

Cloudless, clear blue skies. A falling sun that splinters through the ocean and shimmers against the delicate ripples of the waves. Boats line the Harbour, their smooth, white exteriors complemented by the sea, creating a picturesque view of their new home. Strip shops and chain stores border the boulevard, completely untouched and seemingly unaffected by the disease that has ravaged the rest of the world.

Here there is no death, no fear, and no Cranks until after nightfall.

What more could a lady ask for?

"I'm done with this" she announces. ''I need a break.''

''From what?'' Vince's mumbled question remains no more than a whisper, and his eyes remain focused on his own pile of scribbles.

''The rationing. Inventory'' Lily states, standing from her chair and briskly pushing it under the desk. She all but yanks her cardigan from her shoulders and flings it over the backrest. ''It's a glorious day, and I would very much like to enjoy it. Besides, how could I possibly be expected to concentrate on such a menial task as cataloguing supplies when we're having such magnificent weather.''

Vince pauses. Keeping his head tilted down, his blue eyes look to her over the rim of his glasses. ''Lily, we always have magnificent weather'' he tells her. ''But what don't we always have? Enough supplies. Which is why we need to do this.''

"We have every day to do this" she says with a smile.

"You said that yesterday." The man finally sits up straight, rolls his eyes and drops his hands on the table. "Considering that there are an extra thirty plus mouths we have to feed, with more due on the horizon, don't you think this is more important than taking a leisurely stroll along the Harbour?"

"I think it is important to enjoy the days while we can" Lily counters. "Wouldn't you agree it be much more protective to detail everything during the evening? I believe it would be an adequate distraction from the Cranks and their... screeching, do you not?"

Her words are only partly true.

Sure, there are some positives to doing inventory in the evening. It is quieter and easier to concentrate when everyone else is tucked up in their respective boats, there are practically no interruptions - except from Betty, whom Lily shares with - and, as mentioned, it is a nice way on focusing her mind on something other than the Cranks lurking outside her window all night.

But aside from that, after over ten years of being confined to a space such as the Warehouse, being situated in the very centre of the Scorch with nothing but the raging heat and sun nibbling at her skin each time she dared to venture further than the garage doors, Lily has found herself relishing this Harbour and all it has to offer.

The salty sea air, the breeze, the calming ocean sounds and the way it has heightened the mood of almost everyone here has given her an appreciation for the Scorch that she never dared have before.

Already two months in, and she has not yet tired of the freedom that comes with living in a place like this.

"On top of that" she continues, "we cannot accurately measure our supplies until the two groups - that you sent out to gather supplies - have returned for the day. So why must we do this right now?"

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