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Despite the few hours that he spent numerously protesting to the rest of the groups words, Nick did not bother to look for Adeline, and as far as he could gather, she had not yet returned.

Whilst he lay on his own single bed for the night trying to catch a couple hours worth of sleep, the thought of hunting high and low throughout the apartment complex for the redhead had crossed his mind multiple times, but after being scolded by Maggie and Matt for trying to invade her peace, followed by the hourly chastisement from Alby whenever he tried to move from his bed, the young boy had realised that a little bit of space is probably what both of them needed.

And, honestly, as difficult as it was to do and as much as it killed him to avoid the only person he needed by his side after a rough night, it was definitely for the best. He needs to remain cautious of the fact that, although he needs her, she does not feel the same for him, and pushing his presence on her all the time is only going to cause more damage to their fresh, yet fragile relationship.

That is why, when it is nearing ten in the morning and he has still not yet heard the sound of the front door opening, Nick continues to ignore the overwhelming sensation of wanting to check up. Sitting on the ledge in the kitchen with the window wide open and half of his body hanging out onto the fire escape, the boy closes his eyes as he inhales the barely-there breeze infused with the humidity of a growing morning.

It is surprisingly hot for this time of day, though Nick puts that down to them being locked indoors, and even with almost all of the windows open, the cool air struggles to push its way through the gaps. He guesses by how he can see the heat rise from the tarmacked roads below in waves, and the way it flurries up and hits him like a brick to the face that it is going to be a warmer day than normal, and it irks him to no end.

Warmer days are always the worse. The dust that kicks up as they walk, gritting over his teeth and collecting in his nostrils. How his skin feels tight under the pressure of the thick, windless heat, and how sweat seems to consistently form along his backbone, around his hairline and under his arms, forcing him to feel sticky and uncomfortable.

Fuck, Nick finds his face contorting in disgust at the mere thought of how disgusting his body is going to feel today.

But when he hears a door opening from outside the kitchen and his mind immediately flits to the possibility that it could be Adeline finally coming back, he pushes himself to continue thinking of the horrendous heat in an attempt at drawing his brain away from the urge to run to her.

Although he may be sat in such a position that gives him a view of the kitchen on his right and the outside city on his left, Nick turns his head to look directly out the window, feigning ignorance to the fact that he can hear footsteps walking into the room and trying to ignore the sound of a cupboard opening and closing as the person searches for a glass.

''Mornin'.'' A deep voice calls out, and he would be lying if he were to say that he was not marginally relieved to hear that it is Matt.

''Morning,'' he responds, deciding to turn his head back to face the rest of the kitchen.

''You know,'' Matt starts, not even looking in Nicks direction as he grabs a flask of water, unscrews the cap and begins pouring some of it into a glass, ''your friends are great, but fuck, are they annoying to share a bed with.''

It takes Nick a minute to register what he said. ''Sorry, what?'' he asks. ''Who were you sharing with?''

''Newt and Thomas,'' he tells him. ''I did make up a bed for Addy on the floor but... guess she never came back.''

''She definitely didn't come into our room last night,'' Nick comments. ''Maybe she's in the living room?''

Leaning back on the counter and reaching his left hand around to rest upon the ledge, Matt shakes his head. ''Nah, I just looked there. It's only Oscar,'' he starts, smirking as he takes a quick swig of his water, ''probably sleeping off a concussion.''

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