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Adeline steeled herself, as she often did, creating an invisible fortress against the wave of emotions that threatened to crash through her brain. A dam, where only the apathy trapped in murky depths of her mind were allowed to trickle through.

Her time in the Scorch had taught her many things, but first and foremost, it taught her - no, trained her - to never show the cards she held. To never let anyone pick apart her brain to analyse her thoughts. To never allow the meanings behind her thoughts and actions to be deciphered. To only ever show emotions of anger or indifference.

Protection, for Daniel and her, is how it first began. The assurance that neither of them could be pitted against each other because they never showed they cared was one of - if not the - most important aspect of their survival in the Scorch, and although Daniel had swayed from that estranged way of life, Adeline had not. Regardless of how her walls had faltered in the Warehouse, and regardless of the relationships she had gained when she was taken to that temporary home, she continued with the false narrative that she didn't give a shit.

She stuck to it. Religiously.

Especially now, as she stands with her neck twisted and head pivoted to the side, staring down at the bloody sand and listening to the gasps of those interested enough to pay attention echoing, Adeline buries everything she feels into the deepest pits of her brain.

The slap had been expected, of course it had.

She sensed it coming a mile away. Could smell the rage radiating from her friends body. Could feel the atmosphere shifting, how the air of desperation and melancholy had swiftly been replaced by fury. Could taste the particles of that fury dribbling down her nostrils and gently bouncing on her tongue. Hear the rusty cogs of determination slowly spinning in her friends head. See the malevolence burning in her eyes, like the roaring fires surrounding the Right Arm camp.

Yet, it still stung. It still came with the force of a thousand bricks smashing against her hollowed cheeks.

For a moment, she dare not look, but we all know how much Adeline struggles with cowering out of a fight - no matter how small - and she soon finds herself turning back to ease the embarrassment that is already starting to overwhelm her.

The redheads impassive eyes finally meet Maggie's sorrowful one's once more.

Her green eyes seem to darken Adeline's, like algae growing at the bottom of a pond, or trees overshadowing a lake, and Adeline can feel her resolve almost disintegrating completely. ''Maggie, I-''

''Don't you dare'' the blonde interrupts. ''If you hadn't-'' The sentence falls short. ''Then he wouldn't-'' She takes a breath. Eyes watering and a tunnel of wind blowing gently through her lips. She looks to Matt for comfort and composure, then back to Adeline. ''This is your fault.''

Those last four words are drawn out. Announced with purpose. Enunciated crisply.

And they hit Adeline harder than any slap ever could.

"Uh, guys" Newt's solemn voice begins to nibble away at the tension floating through the air. He glances to both the girls, but neither of them return the favour. "I think that maybe it's not the best time for this."

If it were any other day, Adeline would surely ask him who the fuck he thinks he is imposing on matters that do not concern him. I mean, two days in and he's already trying secure the spot as group mediator? Boy should learn to mind his own damn business.

But despite what she may think, he is right. Now is not the time.

''No, you're right'' It would seem that Maggie agrees. ''It's just- I'm just-'' another pause, another tearful blink, another shaky breath, another cold stare to Adeline. ''I'm going to find ma.'' Maggie storms off, briskly followed by Matt whom continues to try and calm her.

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