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The drive back to the Harbour was awkward, what with Oscar, Rebecca and Nick being squeezed together in the back seat. It would have been a much easier journey, he thinks, if he had chosen to sit in the other car, or if Alby had not immediately called 'shotgun' the second they all ventured out of the apartment.

The look he drew Alby when he so carelessly allowed Nick to be huddled between the two people he dislikes most in this group was one that could have easily killed him, but in response to the malicious scowl, all the old Leader did was grin brightly.

That only pissed Nick off further.

The road home had been a quiet one, and he had been forced further into a mere shell each time he glanced at Oscar and witnessed the damaged he had left behind the night before - a burst lip, swollen eye and bruised cheek. At the time, Nick had not even accounted for the initial reunion when Vince would see the shiner that overcame his son's face, but now, it is all he can seem to think about.

As the truck nears the entrance to the Harbour, Nick immediately sits up straight and un-clicks his seatbelt, preparing for a swift exit. He is the first to scramble from the car the second it stops, hastily forcing Rebecca to shift from his path as he hops out and scurries to the trunk to retrieve what he can carry from their travels.

Of course, Vince is waiting for them, along with Harriett, Lily and Daniel. Nick pays them no attention, not even when Lily calls his name.

"You're late." He hears Vince holler at them all, though it is clear the scolding is directed at Oscar, who was supposed to be in charge of them all.

"We were getting supplies," his son answers, and Nick keeps his head down whilst listening to them speak.

"You should have radioed in when you were at the compound to let me know," Vince calls out. "You can't just go off on these extra runs without telling us."

"Sorry," Oscar mutters, the vision of him walking to his father being caught in Nicks peripheral. "We were busy. Didn't have time to."

"The hell happened to your face?"

Fuck. Nick knew it would not take the man long to notice Oscar's bruising, and he curses himself for not having more composure the night before. He looks over at Adeline, who is greeting Daniel and Lily, and she looks back at him; her expression, however, barely holding even a smidge of panic.

She must not be as worried as him, but then again, why would she? It was not her who so brutally attacked the boy.

There is a pause. A breath. A break in conversation. A moment that Nick prays will last forever. He does not tear his eyes from Adeline, though he can sense Oscar staring at him; as though he is ready to enlighten his father on every last shred of information as to what occurred last night. Down to the last detail, to provide the evidence that his face looks as such because of what Nick did.

"Got into a bit of trouble at the base."

But it does not come.

"It's fine, though. I'm fine. We managed to take control."

Nick can feel his features relax and the tension in his muscles dissolve almost immediately.

Vince sighs. "You need to be more careful, buddy."

"I know," Oscar agrees. "I will be."

Why did Oscar not say anything? Do not confuse yourself, Nick is thankful that nothing was mentioned, and beyond grateful that he will live to see another day... but why? It makes no sense. If there were ever ample opportunity to get Nicks head on a pike, it was right now, so why had he chosen to remain silent?

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